Legend Lore: The Age of Myth
The histories of the world extend far beyond the isles of Farvion and Albion, extending far past the reaches of Floryn and Gildur, and far past the mysterious Orient in the east. They reach further back than even year 1, for this year simply marks the dawning of a new age, as well as the modern calendar. The histories that mark the events rooted in time have been recorded, separated into different "ages" which categorize the world's events. A system had been developed long ago, in a time just after the Arthurian Calendar was founded. The system is as follows, with current ages marked by the benchmark of the greatest beings of the land. This history of course shows partiality to Terra Linguarum, the western continent. This is mostly due to the greater national diversity in this area, with different events and histories being documented as important by different nations. There are a few categories of ages which have been theorized by historians. The Age of Myth (current): A...