Legend Lore: The Age of Myth
The histories of the world extend far beyond the isles of Farvion and Albion, extending far past the reaches of Floryn and Gildur, and far past the mysterious Orient in the east. They reach further back than even year 1, for this year simply marks the dawning of a new age, as well as the modern calendar. The histories that mark the events rooted in time have been recorded, separated into different "ages" which categorize the world's events. A system had been developed long ago, in a time just after the Arthurian Calendar was founded. The system is as follows, with current ages marked by the benchmark of the greatest beings of the land. This history of course shows partiality to Terra Linguarum, the western continent. This is mostly due to the greater national diversity in this area, with different events and histories being documented as important by different nations. There are a few categories of ages which have been theorized by historians.
The Age of Myth (current): A time when the great beasts of the world roamed the lands. An "Age of Myth" exists when at least two thirds of all documented megabeasts live.
The Age of Legends: A time when mankind began to tame the savage and beautiful world. An "Age of Legends" occurs when more than one third of the great beasts of the world live on.
The Age of Heroes: A time when the true powers of the world fought their last battles. An "Age of Heroes" exists when less than a third of documented beasts survive in the world.
The Age of Man: A time when humanity ruled the world with it's great ambition. The "Age of Man" occurs when Humans are considered the most dominant creatures, and when human deities and leaders are considered stronger than the forces of the wild.
The Elven Age: A time when Elves ruled the world with the natural order at hand. The "Elven Age" occurs when Elves are considered the most dominant creatures. See "The Age of Man."
The Dwarven Age: A time when Dwarves ruled the world with their industry and earthly power. The "Dwarven Age" exists in a time where Dwarves are considered the most dominant creatures. See "The Age of Man."
The Goblin Age: A time when Goblins ruled the world with their dark arts. See above.
(Various other racial ages could hypothetically exist, sure, however only these four have ever been thought possible as these four races make up the most powerful civilizations of history. Note that no such age has ever existed, as these ages are purely hypothetical.)
The Golden Age: A time when, while few megabeasts live, the races of the world share great power.
In some times, these ages have been inadequate to summarize a shorter period of history. "Periods" often follow ages, as the "Amagic Period" followed the first fifty years or so of the Age of Myth, as Magic-Users were strictly outlawed by many nations.
As for actual history, the Age of Myth officially began in the year 1 when the Arthurian Calendar was established. The defining event that shaped the calendar itself, was the death of who is likely the greatest hero that history has ever recorded: king Arthur Pendragon of Camelot. His courage was unparalleled, as he had achieved many great deeds throughout his life. Among these was bringing forth the mighty Excalibur from an ancient stone, a holy sword with an incredible power. Forged in a dragon's breath, the holy sword was blessed to strike down the undead, lycanthropes, vampires, and any foul creature who could not be harmed without the use of magic. For in this time, magic was outlawed as Arthur's father had forbidden it. Uther Pendragon's life had been torn apart by it, as many others had as well in this time. Dark arts raged rampant throughout the world, as many humans had forsaken their own lives to work alongside Goblins, learning of their dark arts. Uther's wife was taken by such dark arts, so it is written. Most historical entries claim that magic was used in an effort to intervene when Arthur was nearly to die in childbirth. The magic saved the boy, but instead took his mother's life. Many others had been wronged by magic in this this time, making it feared and banished throughout many European lands. As for events relating to Arthur himself, he was well known to assist his father and carry on his legacy in his war on magic, though this was not why he is held in such high regard. There were many talented Fighters throughout history; Arthur was one such warrior. However it was his leadership that set him apart, not his strength. Some historians who held the pleasure of meeting Arthur describe him as kind and understanding, though he was firmly just. Some liken him to a great bear, with a caring heart that protected his people. This was clearly seen, however also much like a bear, one could tell merely by looking at him that death awaited any who dared oppose him.
In one such event, a neighboring kingdom had declared open war upon Arthur and Camelot. Uther had recently passed, and in his time he had slain the beloved husband of this kingdom's queen. This nation, being the kingdom of Gildur attempted to bring their armies directly to his capital, to test Arthur in his early days as king. He stopped them at the border with a proposal. He suggested that instead of allowing their armies to kill each other, a comprise should be reached. Instead of allowing so much bloodshed between the two nations, the soldier's blood could be spared and the battle resolved if only two men fought, representing both sides. Each nation would select a champion to represent the whole of their army. Arthur stepped up as his own champion, unwilling to risk the lives of even one of his knights, some of which were greater warriors than he, and all of which would gladly die for their king. Queen Gretta of Gildur then selected the strongest warrior she could as the champion. The terms were set; that should Arthur die, Camelot would fall under control of Gildur. Should Arthur win, his only request was that the war would end, that the opposing army would simply return home. When the battle began, Arthur disarmed the champion, and rather than kill him, Arthur spared the man's life. Queen Gretta was confused by this, as she had heard that Arthur was a cowardly child rather than what she had seen. She proceeded thank Arthur for sparing her champion, and calmly left the battlefield, bringing with her the army that threatened the city. All was resolved, and not a life lost.
Another of Arthur's many feats was the creation of the Paladin class, an elite class of warrior who is sworn to his faith. Arthur had many Paladins serve him over the years. Paladins are a special class of Fighter that also provides well as a Cleric. This granted Arthur additional benefits as well, who held the holy sword Excalibur in his time as king.
The Battle of Camlin, and Arthur's Death
The first year of the Age of Myth, year 1, was marked as a calendar event retroactively after the death of Arthur Pendragon. This would mark one of the most defining events in all history, as legendary as it was tragic. Arthur fell in battle, at the Battle of Camlin. This battle was fought in the valley of Camlin, a location in modern-day Albion. In this battle, king Arthur and the armies of Camelot fought valiantly against the dark forces of Morgana (also known as Morgan Le Fay,) when one of Arthur's past knights, Mordred, slew him on the battlefield with a blade imbued with magic by the devilish Morgana. Mordred was once one of Arthur's most trusted knights, until he was turned by Morgana's dark magic and left his side. His loyal knight, Sir Bedivere took up Arthur's holy sword and rode many days on horseback, to return the sword to it's rightful owner. The mystical "Lady of the Lake," who keeps the sword to this day, has remained secretive throughout every age hence. Her location is yet unknown.
Written by Wes the Bard, a talented lyrist in the year 201, there was a beautiful and masterful poem concerning the death of Arthur. The prose itself was truly of masterwork writing, and Wesley considered it his magnum opus until the day of his death. It's words were delicate indeed, being woven from the finest of languages. Portions of the poem are written in both Elvish and the "common tongue." This was a trend of Wesley, who would often write at great extent in the different tongues of the world. A selection from the prose itself has been brought for display here.
The Age of Myth
The Arthurian Calendar, and thus, the Age of Myth officially began in Arthur's death. While Arthur was killed on the 8th of September, the rest of that year's past was considered apart of the first year of the Age of Myth, with the new calendar being constructed around this first year.
After the passing of Arthur, the Battle of Camlin was won by Camelot, despite the loss of their dearly beloved king. Arthur's ideologies lived on through his allied nations and his queen. Arthur's war on Magic-Users far preceded his life and reign. Thus followed the Amagic Period, lasting between the years 1 and 36. This nearly fifty-year period involved many long fought wars against magic. Specifically, that of Magic-Users, Illusionists, and Druids, who were nearly wiped out in the European lands. Clerics were allowed in this time, as they were deemed much more beneficial to the world when their magic was used almost strictly as a force of good. This was when Clerics capable of casting reversed spells were very uncommon. Paladins were allowed to continue their service in this time as well.
Camelot's influence grew throughout time, as did their war on magic. But due to the vast population of megabeasts in Farvion, the Druids found refuge on this island across the Albion Sea. The Druids practiced their magic in this wild and untamed land, being relatively undisturbed by the wildlife. As they continued growing in Farvion, this eventually gave way to the creation of the legendary "Grand Druid." According to Druidic mythos, in every major land there is needed a "Great Druid," a title bestowed only to those who have surpassed the 9th circle, and have transcended the noble title of Archdruid itself. The Great Druid governs and protects the natural world in a land, never letting evil nor good advance too far. Every area is designated to have evil and good lands, as well as lawful and chaotic provinces. This is not to say these lands themselves are of alignment in nature, as this is a very different but real occurrence, but rather that these areas are meant to be governed by these alignments. In other words, the Great Druid's job is to keep the balance in an area. Only one such Druid may exist in a land at a time, and it is rumored some form of sacred duel is held when an Archdruid seeks out the title of the Great Druid. However, but one Grand Druid can exist at any time, only one ever in the world at once. The Grand Druid will supervise the Great Druids of the world, and serve as a guardian or nature across all lands. A Grand Druid can only exist when a miraculous birth takes place, one which is marked by the child being born to the Druids, bearing a special mark. This mark takes the form of a common religious symbol of the Druids, a triskelion of pure black color. This mark is born somewhere on the body of the child, and it grants the child a unique ability. This will give the child an affinity for a certain type of animal. The animal is random, and cannot be chosen. The animal in question will always be favored towards the Druid, at least while the Druid is present. This is a very rare occurrence, as it is thought that only two can exist with this mark in the world at a time; the Grand Druid presiding and his or her student, who will one day inherit the title. It is rumored that the Grand Druid will choose who is born with the mark, and that it is revealed by dream who must receive the next triskelion.
The first Grand Druid was born in Farvion, a Human man bearing an affinity for arachnids. He learned secrets that even the Archdruids had not known, knowledge of the world for only the Grand Druid's eyes to see. He tamed many of the giant spiders of the depths, training them to defend the isle. His name was Almir Erebore, a master of the natural world. Among his accomplishments includes the creation of the Insect Swarm and Creeping Doom spells, as well as the selectly bred spider beasts of Farvion. He was born in year 3, becoming the first Grand Druid only 22 years later. He later assisted Merlin the Great in restoring magic to the land. Merlin himself was formerly the servant to Arthur, though he considered Arthur much more as a dear friend than a master. Arthur saw Merlin in a similar light, as the two valued their friendship greatly.
After Arthur received his mortal wound at Camlin, Merlin appeared on the cliffs above under a disguise of old age. He let loose a mighty Fireball from the cliffs, decimating the opponent's armies below. Merlin supported Camelot's armies with a wide range of spells, the final strength that allowed the victory of Camelot on this day. 35 years later, Merlin revealed himself to Guinevere, Arthur's queen. The debate between the two is well documented, one that is renowned to be the true turning point in the Age of Myth. Merlin showed firsthand what good can be done with magic, both of his own and by the Druids. Almir Erebore stood by him, and together they managed to convince Guinevere that magic must be allowed as a matter of course, as there are evils in the world which require magic to kill.
Many suggest that the Age of Myth had not truly begun until this moment, when magic was made usable by the free people of the world once more. The Druids remained in Farvion for some time, continuing to practice their rituals, though several Druids established circles in Albion as well. Albion eventually received it's own Great Druid in 72, cementing the existence of magic in the land.
In 8, the nation north of Camelot known as Namashire was split into three separate nations. After King Aldwin Namashire died in his elder age, his three sons disputed over who should become the next king. They each took their own lands, dividing the nation. His eldest son, Scott Namashire took the name of Agathar, naming the central north of Albion as his territory. His second son, Calin Namashire took the territory south of Agathar. King Aldwin's youngest son however, kept his family name and settled peacefully in the northwest without dispute, willfully taking the smallest territory.
In 11, The Master of Red Dragons appeared. This was a mighty Monk, the 3rd Master of Dragons in the world. His name was Durock, and he wrote many manuscripts in Africa, becoming one of the greatest scholars in Aurea Egypta.
In 12, Queen Gretta of Gildur gave a book about her experience with Arthur Pendragon to Queen Guinevere as a gift. It was exceptionally well written, and took lengths to show how great of a king Arthur truly was in his time.
In 13, Ferdinand the Wise, the current Pope of the Catholic church, played a vital part in the translation of "Gabriel's Lament," a poetic form based off the doctrines passed to the Elves by the Archangel Gabriel.
In 15, Gaius, Priest of Camelot wrote a long book documenting the entirety of Arthur's reign. The book was titled "The Once and Future King," as it also recounts an old legend previously uncovered by Merlin about Arthur's eventual return. Overall the script wasn't great, but was certainly not bad either.
In 18, the title of Master of the North Wind was transferred from Felix the Red to Oberir the Stout-hearted after a duel in Koganthol, Stríðsmennheim. Oberir was a powerful Monk, renowned for his incredible strength.
In 19, Queen Gretta of Gildur passed in her elden age. Her second son, King Aldus of Gildur reigned hereafter.
In 24, Yuki Worldwind became the Master of White Dragons after defeating the powerful Monk known only as the "White Serpant" who held the title previously in a duel.
In 25, Almir Erebore became the first ever "Grand Druid" of the world.
In 34, the Master of Autumn, Iteb Windfallen died of old age. In the same year, the previous Master of Winter, Olron Snapthorn seized the title after achieving true mastery over his title. Olron Snapthorn proved to be a strongly formidable Master of Autumn.
In 36, the Elven King Iru of Floryn assumed the throne after his ancient father King Ecanó died of his age. Also in 36, Queen Guinevere lifted the ban on magic after her trusted friend Merlin, as well as Almir Erebore the Grand Druid convinced her to do so. Thus concluded the "Amagic Period."
In 40, the previous Pope, Ferdinand the Wise passed away from old age. Hereafter, Augustine the Grey was the Pope of the Catholic church.
In 49, The Grandfather of Assassins, known only as Jackal, died from his age. Power vacuum was created among the Assassins of the world, eventually resulting in Balrock Grimworm, a Half-Orc, seizing the title. He established dozens of Assassins' guilds all over the world. The title itself is granted only to the finest of all Assassins, the master of all Assassin guilds all over the world. Only one Grandfather of Assassins can bear the title at a time, and any who wish to challenge the title and seek it for themselves must challenge the current Grandfather of Assassins to a duel. Anything goes in such a duel, except that in order to challenge one for the title, the challenger must have first become a Guildmaster Assassin. Jackal had been challenged several times in the past, even having the challenger instantly slain by archers the moment the duel began on more than one occasion.
In 53, Almir Erebore settled as an advisor in Namashire, where the natural world was valued.
In 56, Hector the Great became the Master of the South Wind after the title was left vacant for an extended period of time. Also in 57, The Songhai Empire was born out of the vast deserts of Africa. They rode mighty war elephants in defense of their homeland from barbarians that surrounded their empire. The first emperor of the Songhai was Zoulzar, a Human Myrmidon who struck fear into the hearts of many.
In 57, Oberir the Stout-Hearted assumed the title of Master of the West Wind after it was left vacant by Hector the Great. He established a monastery in Stríðsmennheim later that year. Also in 57, Hector the Great wrote a very long book relating entirely to bodily health. Copies of this book are very rare nowadays, as many of them have been destroyed. The copies that do remain were later imbued with magic by a Wizard known as Belmar, who was known for making many different magical items.
In 59, on February 20th, the Battle of Whistlepeak took place. Whistlepeak is the east-most and largest mountain peak of the Whistling Mountains, located in the east of Gildur. This battle was fought against hundreds of bandits and barbarians who joined forces to make a coordinated attack against Gildur, one that was met with destruction. Nearly a thousand died this day, including king Aldus of Gildur who died to a fatal wound laced with poison. The day he died, his son, Baldwin the Gold assumed the throne.
In 60, Meridah the Lovely assumed the title of Master of the North Wind after it was left vacant three years prior. Oberir then moved his monastery to Albion, while Meridah stayed in Stríðsmennheim. Also in 60, Baldwin the Gold began building an incredibly large Thieves' Guild comprised almost entirely of bandits to pillage from the other nations, stealing gold for his hoard. This is where his title, Baldwin the Gold, comes from. This Thieves' Guild was known was "Golden Pocket," and it was one of the most powerful guilds at the time.
In 61, Queen Guinevere died peacefully of old age. Merlin the Wizard oversaw the passing ceremony. She had no blood heir to the throne, leaving it vacant for no more than one week. After much deliberation by the remaining knights of King Arthur's original "Round Table," it was decided that Lohengrin, son of Sir Percival would reign hereafter. Thus, the Pendragon family met it supposed end. This of course assumes that Arthur does not one day return, as the legend was prophesied.
In 63, Oberir the Stout-Hearted wrote a book about battle tactics titled "The Will of the Open Hand." It concerned methods of inflicting serious harm via palm attacks. Oberir wrote this more as a documentation of all his findings in studying the "Quivering Palm" technique. He sadly was never able to complete his research on the fabled attack.
In 65, Alex the Green assumed the title of Master of Green Dragons after it was left vacant by Meridah the Lovely. Alex began practicing his arts in Farvion, where the monsters prowl.
In 68, a Monk known only as "Snakefist" defeated Durock, inheriting the title of Master of Red Dragons in a battle tournament held in Aurea Egypta. Snakefist became a feared Monk, proving as a vital assist in defeating a group of Trolls that same year.
In 70, a Thaumaturgist by the name of Sven Wintersgrasp created the spell, Affect Normal Fires in an effort to make the harsh winters of the north more bearable.
In 72, Shinji Tzu became a Master of Winter after the position had been vacant for years. One of his students, Fumi Yami became the next Master of the East Wind after the title became vacant with Shinji's ascension. Also in 72, Melvin the Wise became the first Great Druid of Albion. He protected the land for many years, governing the forces of nature across Albion.
In 88, the seven tribal leaders of Stríðsmennheim sought a way to extend their lifespans, and to conquer their mortality.
In 97, the dwarves of Agathar began to expand their influence, branching from northern Albion to sail to Farvion. Agathar was relatively devoid of mountains, and the untold treasures below the unscathed peaks of Farvion had a strong allure to the stout folk. They dug into the caverns on the western side of the mountains, digging their mountainhomes into what are now called the Camber Mountains. They were met with great hardships however, as the giant beasts of Farvion tore through their above ground settlements. Now, only ruins can be found above the surface, and their labyrinths are guarded by their benign artifacts which roam their empty halls.
In 98, the Liu Dynasty of the Orient nearly came to an end. Temporarily, a mercenary by the name of "Black Lotus" killed emperor Liu Fon, who was rumored at the time to have had no heirs. Also in 98, Zoulzar died of old age. Replacing him as emperor was Nomul the Wise, a ruler renowned for his great enlightenment. He was better known to be a Druid, in addition to the emperor of the Songhai Empire.
In 100, Hurrelmere, the Master of Summer defeated Nox Nix, a terrible Hydra. He used no weapons, simply beating the monster with his fists until it perished. He tore the many heads off the beast with his bare hands. To finish the powerful creature, he invoked the secrets of the "Quivering Palm" technique to defeat the beast once and for all.
In 101, Balrock Grimworm was assassinated by Giramir Windstein, a Human of Gildur. In doing so, he acquired the title of Grandfather of Assassins. He was widely known for his ruthlessness, being extremely cutthroat among his subordinates.
In 102, Liu Biao, an illegitimate child of Liu Fon defeated Black Lotus, continuing the Liu Dynasty in the Orient.
In 103, Baldwin the Gold died of old age. Hereafter, his son, Björn the Stone, reigned as king.
In 104, Almir Erebore died of natural causes. The secrets of the universe were then passed onto Decca Willmoore, a Half-Elf who inherited the title of the Grand Druid when she reached the age of 28. She had a strong affinity for elk and deer.
In 105, Pope Augustine the Grey passed away from old age. Hereafter, Cedric Highmoore became the Pope of the Catholic church.
In 107, the legendary Wizard, Nathan Tenser made his debut in creating the spell, Tenser's Floating Disk. This spell was created due to Tenser's obsession with dungeon delving, as he needed this spell as a way to easily transport loot to and from a dungeon. This was because on too many occasions, he made it to the final room of a dungeon only to find that the rest of his party was dead, leaving him without a method of transporting treasure.
In 111, a Spanish warrior who went by the name of El Extraño met with the Druids in order to use their magic to combat a dark evil that appeared in Spain. An ancient green dragon had allied with a group of cultists, (cultists of Tiamat) who transformed this magnificent beast into a terrible Dracolich. This undead dragon defied the laws of nature, something the Druids would not stand for. El Extraño was of good descent, a magnificent warrior who practiced his craft with great tenacity. He worked with the Druids to defeat this creature, after which he founded a fortress of tracking warriors. A sect was created, an elite group of monster hunters who cursed all enemies of nature. From this day on, El Extraño became known as the father of all Rangers, as he set the initial groundwork that led to the creation of the class. His death has never been recorded, only that he supposedly rode on horseback into the wilds of eastern Spain, never to be seen again.
In 113, a special caravan arrived in Gildur from the Orient. With it came lanterns, beautiful crafts, costumes, and strange devices made entirely from paper. They also brought a form of curved sword now known as a Katana, a long, slender blade that is classified as a variant of Scimitar in present day. These strange devices lit up the sky when the caravan presented themselves to queen Nerthus of Gildur, who was captivated by their artistry. This caravan marks the first appearance of the now noble house Sun, as they seized their nobility over the years by the military tactics passed down from their ancestors.
In 114, Lohengrin, king of Camelot died of old age. Replacing him was his son, Steven the Strong who reigned over Camelot hereafter.
In 115, Giramir Windstein was assassinated by his own son, Gianni Windstein, who inherited the title of Grandfather of Assassins. He was strongly vicious, sometimes being known cannibalizing his subordinates who offended him.
In 120, Oberir the Stout-Hearted lost a duel to Merdiah the Lovely. This duel was long fought, with both sides fighting tenaciously in order to secure a victory. Merdiah eventually defeated Oberir, and his title was passed to her. Meridah became the Master of the West Wind hereafter, with Oberir becoming the Master of the North Wind once more.
In 121, Steven the Strong began to lead some of his knights on a quest to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. The quest was unsuccessful.
In 122, Yuki Worldwind died of old age. Replacing her as the master of White Dragons, was Buki the Steadfast. He was an especially durable warrior, who helped lead many attacks against some of the more powerful monsters in the Orient at the time. He was more widely known for his accomplishments in slaying 9 different Ogre-Magi in his lifetime.
In 133, Steven the Strong's son, Prince Wilbert Lohengrin fought off a bandit attack against the city of Camelot directly, with Merlin's assistance.
In 141, Oberir the Stout-Hearted died of old age, leaving his title of the Master of the North Wind vacant.
In 146, Snakefist became the Master of the North Wind after travelling up to Stríðsmennheim to learn from the texts written by Oberir the Stout-Hearted.
In 151, the legendary Wizard, Nathan Tenser created the Tenser's Transformation spell. This was again, due to many of his parties dying leaving him helpless. He created this spell to transform himself into a Fighter for a brief duration, as a method of clearing out rooms of monsters should his teammates once again perish unexpectedly in a dungeon.
In 153, Pope Cedric Highmoore died of old age. Gregory I received the title hereafter.
155 marked the first appearance of Eyi Ida, which in the dwarvish tongue translates to "The Spikes of Duty." This colossus is made entirely of stone, towering a mighty 120 feet from foot to head. It's head has one giant eye, in the shape and color of a diamond cut ruby. It's head is shaped like a castle turret. It appeared in west Farvion, walking the forests with slowness and caution.
In 156, Steven the Strong died of old age. His son, Wilbert Lohengrin reigned over Camelot hereafter.
In 157, Gianni Windstein died of natural causes. His son, Mordred Windstein assumed the title of Grandfather of Assassins after his father's passing.
In 158, Nomul the Wise, the Emperor of the Songhai perished in battle against an undead, giant elephant. Replacing him was his daughter, Cleopatra the Golden, aptly named for her beauty, resembling that of Cleopatra, who was an important mythological deity long ago in Aurea Egypta of the Holy Roman Empire.
In 159, Mordred Windstein was assassinated by Vinna the Vile, a master of poisoning who became the first Grandmother of Assassins.
In 160, Alex the Green was defeated in a duel by Korroth the Stone, a Human raised by Orcs. The title of Master of Green Dragons was passed to Korroth hereafter.
In 161, Draegen Farvae lost his life to the beasts of Farvion, the isle named
In 182, Vinna the Vile was assassinated by Philip Abendigo, who found it poetic to kill Vinna using poison. He actually managed to assassinate her using repeated doses of a poison of his own creation, Phillip's Weak Sauce, an easy to make poison which inflicts minimal damage. He assumed the title of Grandfather of Assassins as a matter of course.
In 183, Ustro Zomus, "The Dark Twilight" was founded. This was a large Goblin nomadic group, with hundreds of pits and outposts throughout the Malinov Drifts. It's master was Musla Slol, a very powerful Goblin woman who ruled with an iron fist. She gained a superior mastery over magic, far beyond the comprehension of most Goblins. Unlike most Goblin types, Musla Slol had a dark blue skin tone, one that was very abnormal for a Goblin. She was the first of this strange kind, what are now called "Arstruk Goblins." These are very rare in the modern day, as a new generation of these Goblins happens extremely rarely, though they are known to live a very long time. Musla Slol herself is currently alive, and has the body of what would be a mere 19 for a normal Goblin.
In 184, Hurrelmere, the Master of Summer died of old age. He was previously the most powerful Monk to have been recorded thus far, with only 3 others ever having reached the title of Master of Summer. He perished in peace, secluded in his monastery, precisely how he wished. Also in 184, the famous Wizard, Nathan Tenser died of old age. His spells and works were publicized, and his magical arts are considered fairly commonplace to this day.
In 186, Olron Snapthorn died in battle attempting to defeat Xul, a powerful blue dragon. The title of Master of Autumn was left vacant for some time afterward. Also in 186, the Wizard Morgana emerged in Ustro Zomus. She had a long discussion with Musla Slol. The nature of this discussion is unknown, except that it took place over the span of 3 days. Also in 186, Pope Gregory I died of old age. Afterward, Marcus the White received the title.
In 187, the Wizard Merlin began to research the nature of Morgana's return. In his research he discovered that Morgana had been active in the Malinov Drifts, and had been assisting Musla Slol in gathering the different Goblin races for some time. Merlin also discovered a strange slab where one of Morgana's previous homes, the Pillar of Death once was. This slab contained information written in an unknown language, which Merlin was able to comprehend and decipher. The text contained information on the secrets of life and death. Merlin destroyed the strange slab, never allowing it's contents to be read again. Also in 187, Wilbert Lohengrin died of old age. His son, Henry Lohengrin reigned over Camelot hereafter.
In 188, Björn the Stone died of old age. Hereafter, his son, Claus von Stone became the king of Gildur.
In 189, Shinji Tzu became the Master of Autumn after travelling to Floryn. With him, he brought lots of philosophy and books from the east into Terra Linguarum. These were in the Oriental tongue, one that was previously not found in writing anywhere in the west.
190, a group of adventurers banded together in the western half of Floryn in an effort to start a revolution. These adventurers were infuriated that the majority of people in a leadership position in Floryn were Elves, who lived much longer than Humans. Leading this revolution was a Fighter by the name of Gaspard, who fought boldly against the leaders of Floryn. King Iru of Floryn sent only one general to handle the threat, being Atho Lari, a talented Fighter and Magic-User. Atho Lari led his army with great skill, squashing the resistance with little effort. This was met with more relief than outrage, as the people and government alike saw these rebels as power hungry terrorists, rather than freedom fighters. It was later discovered that Gaspard and his comrades were officially considered citizens of Gildur. Claus von Stone personally travelled to Asada Tayo, capitol of Floryn to apologize for the outrage in person.
In 191, Atho Lari became the official Champion of Floryn, being both an incredibly skilled Fighter and Magic-User. He was considered one of the most deadly warriors in Elven history, let alone the history of Floryn. His efforts were considered an achievement of Elven-kind, a masterful tactician who won many bato les against challenging foes, including Icithi Irafe, an ancient green dragon.
In 193, Wes the Bard wrote a beautiful sonnet about the glorious acts of El Extraño, and the creation of the Ranger class.
In 195, Fumi Yami became the Master of Winter after the title had been left vacant for some time. The same year, Hector the Great became the Master of the East wind.
In 197, Hector the Great discovered a way of creating Potions of Longevity, though this process was incredibly difficult. The blood of several incredibly powerful and dangerous creatures was required, including that of exceedingly rare Time Elementals. He began to travel the world, sharing this knowledge with the other Monk Masters.
In 199, the first official nation was founded in Farvion. The nation of Thunendák was a primarily Human and Dwarven nation which became the home to many who studied strange and magical creatures. The first king of Thunendák was Vabok Feblisig, a renowned dwarven leader. Also in 199, Meridah the Lovely became the Master of the South Wind as a matter of course.
In 201, Wes the Bard wrote a masterful musical and poetic form detailing the Battle of Camlin, and the death of King Arthur of Camelot. The song's title was L'Morte De Arthur, and it was performed thousands of times by different entertainers over the next several years.
In 202, Snakefist became the Master of the West Wind.
In 203, Korroth the Stone became the Master of the North Wind.
In 205, Phillip Abendigo was assassinated in a duel by a man who went only by the name of "The Rat King." This man then became the most feared Grandfather of Assassins to the date, being known for forcing the different Guildmaster Assassins to turn on each other and slaughter each other for his own amusement.
In 208, Decca Willmoore passed away due to natural causes. In her wake was left Lete Neleÿerire who the secrets of the universe were then passed onto. He was gifted an affinity for whales.
In 210, Snakefist died of old age. Also in 210, Marcus the White died in a terrible accident involving terrified horses on a trip over the Blackberry Mountains. Hereafter, Marcus Avalon received the holy title.
In 211, Korroth the Stone became the Master of the West Wind. Also in 211, Alex the Green returned to his title of Master of Green Dragons.
In 212, Alex the Green died of old age.
In 214, Buki the Steadfast became the Master of the North Wind.
In 217, Savaron of Farvion became the Master of Green Dragons.
In 220, Liu Fei became the Master of White Dragons.
In 221 Lete Neleÿerire became the next Half-Elven Grand Druid of the world, commanding the force of nature throughout the lands. He was also a renowned sailor, being both a renowned guardian of the land and the sea. Also in 221, Ustro Zomus invaded Gildur with a massive army of Goblins. They seized control of multiple villages and cities on the eastern side of Gildur, also damaging the nation's economy. This war dragged on for several years after the fact, and Gildur was significantly weakened. Hereafter, this war was titled the "War of the Whistling Mountains" due to most of the battles being fought either in or from this mountainous region.
In 222, Ustro Zomus defeated the defense at Whitepeaks, a city of Gildur. The victory took 3 months to achieve, as Gildur's legion of experienced Fighters allowed them to defend for an extended period of time. Gildur's army was lead by Agilbert the Swift, a legendary Myrmidon who fought valiantly in leading the defense of Whitepeaks. He eventually had to retreat in December that year, when their resources were low and they could not survive the winter. The Goblin legions of Ustro Zomus were used to the harsh cold of the Malinov Drifts, allowing them to secure a strong advantage during the winter.
In 223, Shinji Tzu perished while fighting Uristthol, a mighty Ettin bearing many artifacts. In his wake, Fumi Yami became the Master of Autumn. He travelled to Farvion to continue his master's legacy. Also in 223, a Gilduran Dwarf by the name of Geshud Tinkerfist created an artifict by way of a strange mood. This artifact was known as Okbod Anil "The Doom of Glory", a chest made from iron and silver. On the chest is an image of Shinji Tzu being struck down by Uristthol, who wields an artifact hammer made from, and depicted in, solid platinum. The chest was claimed by Geshud as a family heirloom.
In 224, Fumi Yami killed Uristthol, avenging his master. In doing so, he recovered the 4 legendary artifacts the Ettin possessed, bringing them into to the treasury of Estallia, Spain.
In 226, Hector the Great assumed the title of Master of Winter. Also in 226, Meridah the Lovely died of old age. Wes the Bard also wrote a beautiful ballad this year, one which detailed the adventures of Rodrigo Dias, also known as El Cid who sought vengeance against the king who unjustly dishonored him and betrayed him to the world. The song details his legendary acts as a general and a leader, and how the archangel Gabriel called him to battle. The song was titled The Ride of El Cid, and is considered a masterful work to this day.
In 227, Hector the Great created an artifact after years of incomplete work. This was a legendary quarterstaff, covered in various silk cloths soaked in holy water. The staff itself was crafted from ironwood, and was expertly carved and detailed. On the staff is depicted an image of Hurrelmere, the previously highest ranking Monk to walk the earth. Three dragons are depicted on the staff as well: a white, a green, and a red. Overall, the creation is flawless and masterful. The staff was named the Staff of Golden Summers, and was used in many legendary battles afterward.
In 228, A general of Gildur by the name of Lord Ehrhart Schneider took back the city of Whitepeaks in a powerful attack led in the summer, when the Goblins of Ustro Zomus were at their weakest. Lord Ehrhart led an army of 40,000 warriors in an effort to defeat the oncoming Goblin force. His military expertise was of ultimate value in this fight, as he was considered one of the only generals of Gildur who could have taken the city back. There were two attempts made by Ustro Zomus to take the city back from Ehrhart, to no avail.
In 229, Korroth the Stone became the Master of the South Wind, going to Aurea Egypta to train.
In 230, Buki the Steadfast became the Master of the West Wind, further establishing contact between the Orient and Terra Linguarum when he travelled to Albion to study the writings of past Monks. Also in 230, the game of Chess was invented by Henry Lohengrin, king of Camelot.
In 231, Ustro Zomus led an unstoppable campaign to take the surrounding cities and villages around Whitepeaks, cutting them off from the rest of Gildur. This outraged Lord Ehrhart, who made several efforts to take back the villages and towns around his city. But for each village he took back, the Goblins took three more. This went on for many years to come.
In 232, The Rat King was killed in an Assassin's duel by Marvus Voracium, who was known for cannibalizing those whom he killed. He later sought out the curse of vampirism, turning into a bloodthirsty creature of the night. He is still considered one of the most dangerous Grandfathers of Assassins of all time, even so long after his death. Also in 232, the city of Stormwright in Gildur was taken by the Goblin forces of Ustro Zomus.
In 233, Savaron of Farvion became the Master of the North Wind. Replacing him was Geneva Swiftfoot, who inherited the title of Master of Green Dragons.
In 234, Henry Lohengrin died of a mortal battle wound involving a legion of Hill Giants that were terrorizing a village in the north of Camelot. Replacing him was Henry Lohengrin II, his son.
In 235, Lord Ehrhart recaptured several cities of Gildur that had been taken by the Goblin conquest of Ustro Zomus, seizing back territory. He used these cities to increase his personal armies, and attempted to send word back to the rest of Gildur. When he found out that the rest of Gildur had stopped sending any attempt at rescuing him beyond the borders of Ustro Zomus, Ehrhart felt dejected. He felt abandoned by his kingdom. He returned home, beginning to research a new method of slaying Goblins. Also in 235, Claus von Stone died of old age. Hereafter, Luka von Stone reigned over Gildur.
In 237, a corrupt lord by the name of Gessler arrived in Fenchapel, Gildur. This city bordered his lands, and Gessler saw it as his own. He arrived, demanding the townsfolk submit to his rule. As the legend goes, he placed his colorful hat atop a pole, commanding the people bow to the hat. Near this town there lived a hunter by the name of William Tell, who came to town a day later with his son. He laughed at Gessler's arrogance, refusing to bow. Gessler called his soldiers to hang the rebel, but at the people's protest, he instead devised a cruel test to challenge the hunter. He placed an apple on the head of the archer's son, commanding that he shoot the apple from no less than 50 paces away. William comforted his son, telling him to face the direction of their forest cabin. Should he fail to shoot the apple, he and his son would be executed immediately. Should the archer succeed, they would be set free. William knocked a single arrow, put his shoulders back and drew. The arrow sang through the air, splitting the apple perfectly. As a second arrow fell from William's quiver, Gessler asked why he kept a second arrow when only one was permitted by the challenge. William replied by saying that the second would have slain Gessler then and there, should his son have perished. Outraged, Gessler called for his soldiers to hang the hunter. William loosed his second arrow, and as he promised, Gessler died with William's arrow buried within his heart. The hunter and his boy fled into the wilds, returning to their cabin with ease.
In 238, Lord Ehrhart began attempting to double the size of his army, recruiting many townsfolk and mercenaries alike to strengthen his forces. He continued taking back territory, while the many hordes of Ustro Zomus continued to surround him. As they approached, he revealed his greatest force. He had created a new sect of Fighter, based off the bones and ideologies of El Extraño from Spain. With his talents came the Ranger class, elite warriors trained in the tracking and slaying of all forms of goblin, orc, and the other evil races of the world. This includes the many Giant Night Trolls, and their terrible Frost Giants. He reigned victorious over his opponents.
In 239, Wes the Bard wrote a beautiful song about the events that transpired involving William Tell and Gessler.
In 240, Lord Ehrhart recaptured enough land from Ustro Zomus to establish a connection with the rest of Gildur again. He got no response, as Gildur had constructed a mighty wall between themselves and the rapir conquest of Ustro Zomus. They mistakenly believed that this wall is what was keeping them safe from the Goblins, when in fact the efforts of Ehrhart are what kept the goblins preoccupied. Ehrhart was outraged by the incompetence of Gildur, having sent absolutely no reinforcements to assist him.
In 241, Geneva Swiftfoot defeated Savaron of Farvion in a duel. Hereafter, Geneva became the Master of the North Wind, while Savaron returned to the title of Master of Green Dragons. Also in 241, Lord Ehrhart continued his conquest against the goblins who stole away half of his home country. Many of their forces had retreated, while some armies remained. Ehrhart, having sufficiently dealt with the threat, attempted to return to his country. However, the officers at the wall refused to open the iron-sealed gates. Ehrhart had no knowledge of this, but a group of officers whom he had previously embarrassed had conspired to have him sent to the front lines against the attacks of Ustro Zomus, expecting him to die. Lord Ehrhart tried further to return to his home, to no avail.
In 242, Lord Ehrhart Schneider established the lands he conquered as their own nation. The empire of Schneider stood firm for many years afterward.
In 243, Luka von Stone, king of Gildur declared an open war on the nation of Schneider, claiming that the lands of Schneider rightfully belonged to Gildur. Emperor Ehrhart of was not so easily persuaded. Luka had actually expected Ehrhart to fold quickly, at the chance for his lands to return to Gildur and thus have him return to his home. Ehrhart figured something like this might happen, and continued building his army after wiping out most of the Ustro Zomus conquest. Thus began the War of Schneider.
In 244, a Dwarven Metropolis in the southeast of the Holy Roman Empire was suddenly erased from existence. There were no survivors, nor is any information given about the destruction of the fortress. The nature of this event is entirely unknown, save only that a city of the dwarves no longer exists.
In 245, some of the dwarves in Gildur began the worship and religion surrounding a new god. This god took the name of Armok, God of Blood. He was associated with Blood, Death, Life, and Metals. His supposed form is of an enormous dwarf with charcoal grey skin, and a beard made entirely of adamantine. Cults of Armok soon popped up in many different places of the world. Also in 245, Emperor Ehrhart was nearly killed by an Assassin of Gildur. Instead, Ehrhart himself took the Assassin by surprise, and interrogated him for information about Gildur's defenses. The same year, Ehrhart actually received manpower support from the Holy Roman Empire. With a much larger army at his command, he plotted to attack their supposedly indestructible wall. These reinforcements did not come without cost however, as Pope Marcus declared that he must fight only to end the war and keep his lands, not to destroy or take Gildur.
In 246, Emperor Ehrhart led an attack against the Von Stone Wall, destroying a section of it using mages and letting his army spill out into the battlefield beyond. They destroyed the city of Blackburrow, being careful to take any population they came across as prisoners. Ehrhart promised they would be set free if Luka von Stone ceased his attack and allowed him to keep his lands. Luka agreed, and the War of Schneider was over.
In 247, Wes the Bard wrote a war ballad featuring the legendary efforts of Lord Ehrhart Schnieder.
In 249, Cedric Leomund became a renowned Sorcerer, and created the Leomund's Trap spell. Leomund preferred trickery and intrigue as opposed to battle and dungeon delving, and as such, he created many spells which tricked, protected, and otherwise kept safe his teammates as he went about his information gathering. The Leomund's Trap spell was used to create a false trap, one that can easily be detected but never disarmed, that will do absolutely nothing to those who are unaware of it's existence. Also in 249, the Wizard Merlin continued his research on the return of Morgana, discovering by infiltration of the dark courts of Ustro Zomus that her goal was to hunt down something referred to as the "Demonslayer Classes." The nature of these classes themselves is unknown. Merlin initially suspected this could refer to Paladins, but Morgana had expressed little interest in them.
In 250, Merlin continued his research on Morgana's return, discovering that Morgana isn't after Paladins, Rangers, or any other like class. This was something new, something yet unseen. Also in 250, Wes the Bard died tragically in a robbery involving a group of bandits calling themselves the "Liberation Avengers," a Human group in Floryn who pillaged their roads. Their bounty was quadrupled after the death of Wes, and they were caught and imprisoned later that year. They were all executed by the end of the year.
In 251, Cedric Leomund created the Leomund's Tiny Hut spell, a powerful spell that allows the creation of a very durable safe haven that lasts for a considerable period of time to protect his party.
In 252, Pope Marcus the White died of old age. Replacing him was Gregory II, who accomplished many things in his years as the head of the church.
In 253, a Theurgist by the name of Malta Windleaves created the now commonplace Wizard Lock and Hold Portal spells, allowing doors to be locked in place by special enchantments which are very hard to break.
In 254, Savaron of Farvion was beaten in a duel by Nathan the Quick. He fought bravely, defeating Savaron with his much higher speed. Nathan was known to use a Two-Handed Sword in his battles outside of this duel, as he was the first Monk to every have a secondary class. In this case, it was in Fighter. Nathan became Master of Green Dragons hereafter, while Savaron lost his special title completely.
In 255, Savaron of Farvion continued his work as a Monk, even without a legendary title of his own. He was still recognized as a Superior Master, one of the strongest Monks in Farvion. He assisted in the defeat of a Cyclops terrorizing Camelot, which he was commended for. He then gave his winnings to Nathan the Quick, who used the money to fund orphanages across Terra Linguarum.
In 256, Emperor Ehrhart of Schneider died of old age. His son, Ludwig Schneider reigned over Schnitzel afterward. As Ehrhart was a beloved emperor, the services held all around the nation in honor of his death were done at great effort, with many feasts being held in honor of his life. Ever since, January 14th is considered "Ehrharts Day" by all of Schneider, and even parts of Gildur.
In 258, Cedric Leomund created the Leomund's Secret Chest spell, allowing for matter to be stored in the ethereal plane by means of a chest located there. It can be accessed by a smaller replica chest which summons the real object when interacted with.
In 259, Hector the Great constructed a dungeon, stretching deep below the surface in Quemera Conibo, a large city in Floryn. This stronghold was meant for use of all the Monks of the world, who would store their precious writings where they could be kept safe, and copied at the library in Quemera Conibo. Many Monks of all kinds stored their writings here, and it has become one of the largest collections of knowledge in the world. The lower chambers were more restricted, being relegated for "Forbidden Texts" pertaining to more dangerous knowledge. In addition, various artifacts and magical items were stored down here.
In 260, Dolron University became the first instance of the university education system in the world. It was located in Dolron, Gildur. The school's first headmaster was Felix Schwartzkopf, an experienced Thaumaturgist. Many important figures after today started their stories here.
In 261, Geneva Swiftfoot was defeated by Nathan the Quick in a Monk's duel. Nathan overpowered Geneva with his outstanding speed, as well as his greater combat experience. Nathan the Quick became master of the North Wind hereafter, while Geneva became the Master of Green Dragons.
In 262, Marvus Voracium destroyed the village of Malibore, a village in SchneSchneiderdid this mostly out of a hunger for blood, but also for a simple show of power. Unfortunately for him, Emperor Ludwig was not so esasily frightened. He hunted down Marvus after recruiting a Paladin from Camelod by the name of Ulrir the Sparrow. Together, the two killed Marvus, ending his reign as the vampiric Grandfather of Assassins. Later that same year, Wielboore the Dark-Hearted became Grandfather of Assassins after this, leaving his position of Guildmaster Assassin in a guild located in Fenchapel, Gildur.
In 264, the god of blood, Armok, allowed a powerful demon passage into the Plane of Prime Material on a whim by a vault located somewhere in the Desert of Shadow. This demon was known as Almeflitop Gathsimo, a mighty "Goat Devil." He was a large goat-creature twisted into humanoid form. His skin was deep crimson, with two massive horns that curved all around his head. Many goat like horns stemmed from many angles on his body. They sprouted from his elbows and shoulders, with his hands having massive claws. He was very large and had broad shoulders, also possessing great strength. He was also rumored to be capable of breathing a deadly mist, and his blood is rumored to be extremely acidic. Supposedly, in the vault is located a slab that reads: "I, Almeflitop Gathsimo hereby bind myself to this slab in the material plane by my true name: (UNKNOWN), that once this name is uttered, I will be forevermore banished to the plane of my dark origin."
In 266, a mighty red dragon by the name of Phlogistor the Crimson One destroyed the city of Camelot, killing thousands of people and injuring tens of thousands more. This included the death of Camelot's king, Henry Lohengrin II. The dragon settled in the caverns beneath the city, seeking his own refuge and a place to keep his hoard deep within the earth. That same year, a large group of adventurers known as the "Enclave of the Wild" travelled to Camelot's ruin, and died in an effort to slay the dragon. Three lords of the lands surrounding Camelot city assumed temporary control over the throne of the nation left without a king. These were Drake Redstar, Steven Greenwall, and William Britannia, who attempted to rule in Camelot's best interests despite their disagreements.
In 267, the legendary Saint George rode on the back of his holy warhorse to Camelot to challenge the dragon Phlogistor. With his legendary lance, he defeated the savage beast, slaying the mighty and terrible dragon. Saint George was forever after remembered as a legend, the perfect exemplary Paladin.
In 270, Saint George played in a legendary chess game against Lord William Britannia. William played the white pieces, while George played the black pieces. In the end, Saint George was victorious.
In 272, Wielboore the Dark Hearted declared war upon Gildur, attempting to make his home city of Fenchapel a nation of Thieves. Wielboore himself assassinated Luka Von Stone, king of Gildur. He disguised himself temporarily as Luka, calling that Gildur allow Fenchapel's separation from Gildur. He soon escaped Gildur, and reached Fenchapel before he was caught. The new nation's name was Stadtder Diebe, a nation of outlaws. The war that followed was known as the "Assassin's Gambit War," and it involved many assassinations on both sides.
In 273, Stadtder Diebe gained a coat of arms, official flag, and even began building it's own army. Also in 273, Luka von Stone's empty throne was filled by Urist Ongetnodok, the first dwarven king of Gildur.
In 275, King Iru of Floryn led an attack against the dark forces of Ustro Zomus, assisted by Emperor Ludwig of Schneider. The two forces combined were easily able to storm Xenmuspos, dark fortress and capitol of Ustro Zomus. They killed many powerful goblin generals of the nation, and captured their mysterious queen. She eventually revealed herself to be an undead, after being charmed by King Iru using magic. She had confessed that the Arstruk Goblins were a powerful race of undead, being the creation of a powerful Necromancer capable of animating intelligent undead capable of acting on their own. This kind of magic had never before been discovered by any of the western civilizations, nor had anyone heard rumors of such a thing in the east. Emperor Ludwig brought in his Clerics in an attempt to experiment with the strange goblin, finding that she could be turned via Turn Undead, and was also affected by a Remove Curse spell. This spell lifted a curse which bound her to whatever Necromancer animated her, who's name she could not reveal. She was actually grateful to the two leaders, and called off any attacks by bandits against their nations once she returned to her nation.
In 276, Musla Slol was assassinated by an unnamed goblin of Ustro Zomus. Morgana herself assumed leadership of the goblin nation hereafter.
In 277, Ludwig Schneider, Emperor of Schneider sent a party out to Ustro Zomus in an effort to find the corpse of Musla Slol, which they succeed in doing. This party's sole survivor was their only Cleric, a man by the name of Erd Spireflame. The body was recovered, and Musla Slol seemed to be beyond recovery by normal Clerical means. She was instead taken to Merlin, who used his powerful magic by way of a Limited Wish to raise her from the dead in combination with a Cleric attempting to Raise Dead. This succeeded, though at great cost to the goblin's body. Once she had returned, Merlin used one of the many relics he had stored away, a Helm of Opposite Alignment to change Musla's ways to good, causing a drastic shift in her nature. Also in 277, Korroth the stone died in an encounter against "The Marine Colossus," a giant elephant in Aurea Egypta. He left the title of Master of the South Wind vacant. Buki the Steadfast quickly assumed the title after, becoming the Master of the South Wind.
In 278, Morgana declared open war on what was left of Camelot. She brought with her tens of thousands of goblins, though Musla Slol was able to assist the defense against the hordes of Ustro Zomus by her knowledge of their offense, and William Britannia led the defense against their armies. He retrieved the holy sword Excalibur from a secret lake near Camelot City, and used to to fight back against Morgana. Thus began the Battle of Britannia, in which thousands died on both sides. Morgana's mighty Death Spell slayed instantly some dozens of the more skilled of Camelot's knights, while William Britannia fought her fiercely with his army. Arrows proved ineffective against the witch, who was strongly protected against such attacks by her magic. Merlin let loose many Lightning Bolts upon the enemy ranks, whilst Morgana sent several Fireballs down upon the noble ranks of Camelot. The holy sword proved incredibly effective in William's hands, though as the battle went on, the lord grew more and more uneasy. He saw how much power he held with the holy weapon in hand. Just when the battle seemed to shift in the favor of Morgana's forces of darkness, a legendary Paladin appeared. Saint George shook his lance of iron and shouted from the hills of the north, riding down on horseback against the goblin legion. Saint George managed the impossible, crossing the battlefield on the back of his horse with incredible speed. He reached Morgana directly, striking her with incredible force with his lance. As she was greatly wounded, Morgana hastily retreated by way of a Teleport, leaving her forces to fight on their own. Eventually, Camelot was able to fend off their attackers, but William Britannia was forever changed by the battle.
In 279, William Britannia was crowned the official ruler of Camelot. He kept the legendary Excalibur at his side, and one of the first things he did was bring the legendary Saint George to his side as one of his knights. Also in 279, Geneva Swiftfoot became the Master of the West Wind, travelling to Floryn to train under the elves.
In 280, Hector the Great finally died of old age, leaving the title of Master of Winter vacant. Also in 280, William Britannia began to grow cruel as he grew more and more attached to the powerful holy blade, Excalibur. Also in 280, the "Assassin's Gambit War" came to an end when a top-level Assassin of Gildur by the name of Miller Watson killed Wielboore the Dark Hearted by assassination. As this was not an Assassin's Duel, Miller did not become the next Grandfather of Assassins. Shortly after, one of Wielboore's subordinates retreated with a group of Assassins to an area just north of the Desert of Shadow, south of the Songhai Empire. This subordinate by the name of John the Silent assumed the title of Grandfather of Assassins.
In 281, Savaron of Farvion died of old age. Also in 281, Liu Fei became the Master of the North Wind.
In 282, a disciple of Liu Fei known as Xiang Li became the master of White Dragons. Also in 282, Buki the Steadfast became the Master of the East Wind, returning to The Orient to train. He achieved this title after defeating a roving band of Ogre-Magi.
In 284, Dragûr the Strong became the Master of Red Dragons, the first to come from the Songhai Empire.
In 285, King Iru of Floryn was angered by the accidental deaths of members of his merchant's guild in Gildur. He declared war on the country, known now as the War of Merchant's Regret.
In 286, William Britannia began to grow further corrupted as his power grew. He sought out the Wizard Merlin to create for him many magical items. Merlin declined, sending William into a fury.
In 290, The Holy Roman Empire intervened in the War of Merchant's Regret, forcing both sides into a stalemate and ending the war.
In 293, John the Silent was slain by Duregoth the Fanged, a Werewolf Assassin. Duregoth became the Grandfather of Assassins hereafter.
In 298, Merlin constructed a dungeon somewhere in Albion. The dungeon's location is unknown, only that many of Merlin's magical items are stored there. He spent many years hereafter creating new magic items.
In 302, Urist Ongetnodok created a system of defense for any merchants of foreign nations, establishing the Escort Guild of Gildur. This guild called many adventurers from all around Gildur to protect the caravans of merchants from bandits and raiders. Then, Urist sent a caravan from Gildur to Mapi Neweni, capitol of Floryn. The caravan arrived safely, bringing many gifts to Floryn.
In 303, A Thumaturgist known as Ferris Bilge created the Fool's Gold spell in an effort to create more wealth for himself after coming from a dungeon raid. The spell can turn copper to gold, but only for a brief duration.
In 305, Pope Gregory II died of old age. Replacing him was Solomon IV, becoming the next Pope hereafter.
In 306, William Britannia drastically increased taxation throughout the Kingdom of Camelot, hoarding his wealth. Merlin tried to calm William, urging him to return the holy Excalibur to it's destined resting place. He refused to heed the warnings of Merlin.
In 308, Saint George, with the help of Merlin the Wizard, killed William Britannia, who's power drove him mad. William had become more and more obsessive as his evil nature revealed itself. Hereafter, William Britannia II became the king of Camelot, with Saint George as his advisor.
In 310, An ancient dungeon was found deep within the earth. A group of Gilduran adventurers explored the depths of this expansive dungeon, finding a tomb at its far end. The tomb was meant for someone by the name of "Dave the Sage" who's corpse was never found. The coffin was completely empty, devoid of any sign of use.
In 311, Buki the Steadfast wrote an extensive tome concerning the increasement of one's physical strength. The book was copied many times, and translated into many tongues. This book is now known widely as the "Manual of Physical Strength" and it's rare copies are greatly coveted and sought after.
In 313, Buki the Steadfast died of old age.
In 316, Saint George died of old age.
In 317, In a dungeon deep beneath Wyrdhaug, a land north of Stríðsmennheim, seven mighty titans awoke from the earth. They travelled to different places of the world, constructing enormous fortress halls for their homes. The first was Thumadell, the Hill Titan was a huge female giantess, with a human appearance. Her strength was legendary, and from her head sprouted a crown of bone. Her extremely long red hair and sunken green eyes gave her a strikingly gaelic appearance. She settled in the far west of Farvion. The second was Drolthir, the Mountain Titan who's cracked stone body gave him an impenetrable defense. His eyes are mere hollows in his head, showing the blazing magma within his body. He bore a mighty spear, who's enormous head was made from a hot, flowing metal. His fortress was carved into the Whistling Mountains, a labyrinthine fortress in which hundreds of adventures died of starvation, due to losing their way. The third was Terren, the Forest Titan who walked the many forests of the world. He took the form of a mighty Treant, who bore thousands of trees and bushes upon his mighty back. His fortress was located in the Forests of Soul, in The Orient. The fourth was Clezanthra, the Desert Titan, who took the form of a great Sphinx. Her love of puzzles and trickery was unmatched, and her fortress of traps was located far south of the Songhai, deep within the Desert of Shadow. The fifth was Sluvallior, the Marsh Titan. He took the form of a great dragon, stone grey in color. In the wake of his terrible breath weapon was left not destruction, but life. Lush plant life sprouted wherever he struck, also giving way to the birth of new diseases through his power. He settled in the Swamp of Life, east of the Holy Roman Empire. The sixth was Galinor, the Tundra Titan. His form was that of a horrible elephant, covered in thick wool of steel. His sheer power was unmatched, even among the titans. His fortress waa built deep within the Malinov Drifts, far from civilization. The seventh and last was Scaldonna, the Coast Titan who's long hair always brought about a great mist and sea breeze, in which the creatures of the water floated through the air. She took the form of an enormous half-creature, the upper half of a beautiful woman and the lower of a squid. Her fortress was built on the island of Crete, in the Mediterranean Sea.
In 320, Lete Neleÿerire, the Grand Druid of the world, died of old age. In his place was left Stren Greenpeak, a Human woman who assumed the title after the secrets of the world were revealed to her in a dream. She grew to have an affinity for wolves and other canines. She grew to command an army of giant wolves who protected a Druid sect found in southern Stríðsmennheim.
In 321, Liu Fei died of old age. Shortly after, Dragúrr became the master of the North Wind, travelling to Stríðsmennheim to hone his skills.
In 322, William Britannia II sent more of his knights on a quest to find the mythical Fountain of Youth, as he was greatly afraid of his own mortality.
In 323, King Iru of Floryn attempted to form an alliance with Camelot by sending one of his daughters for a proposed marriage. William Britannia II agreed to this proposal, and soon he and Eeryn of Floryn were wed.
In 324, William Britannia II decided that the quest for the the Fountain of Youth was a fruitless endeavor, and decided to stop wasting his time as king searching for fairy tales. He spent much more time looking after his wife and his people hereafter.
In 329, three horrible beasts emerged from the center of Ustro Zomus. The first was an iron colossus standing at over 100 feet tall, crushing all beneath it's feet. The second was a living giant, who's mighty twin antlers shook the skies and one eye sent terror down the spines of all who witnessed it. The third, and perhaps the most dangerous of them all, was a black scarab roughly the size of a halfling. Everywhere it went, death, disease, and poison followed. The three were named the "Armored Wanderer," the "King of Winter," and the "Scarab of Death" respectively.
In 330, Stren Greenpeak raised many Druids and beasts to wage battle against the three horrible monsters that appeared the year prior. The creation of these creatures is attributed to Morgana, the Witch of the Drifts. Stren sadly died young later that year, as the toxic gas conjured by the Armored Wanderer left her and her dogs deceased.
In 331, Merlin raised Stren Greenpeak from the dead by means of his powerful Reincarnation spell. She returned from the grave as a half-elf, becoming the Grand Druid once more. She returned to the fight against the horrible monsters.
In 332, King Iru of Floryn sent many of his soldiers to assist Stren Greenpeak in her offensive against Morgana's monsters.
In 334, Ludwig Schneider, emperor of Schneider died of old age. Replacing him was Baltasar Schneider, Ludwig's only son.
In 337, Urist Ongetnodok, king of Gildur sent several soldiers to assist Stren Greenpeak in her war against Morgana's Monsters. Shortly after all this, the creatures seemed to go into hiding. The combined army marched on, and both Floryn and Gildur declared war on Ustro Zomus. This war was known widely as the "The Druid's War."
In 339, Thumadell, the Hill Titan travelled from her fortress overseas to fight with Stren Greenpeak against Ustro Zomus and Morgana. She single handedly leveled many of her cities, searching for the monsters hidden from the world.
In 340, Sylvalus the Wise, a renowned Cardinal ventured from Rome to the Songhai Empire to seek greater skill, becoming a Monk.
In 342, Sylvalus the Wise became the Master of Red Dragons, after having trained under Dragûrr, the previous Monk to hold the title.
In 343, a Wizard known as Xurtax constructed a dungeon far beneath the surface in Gonilore, capital of the Songhai Empire. The dungeon was built to house all the magical items available to Monore the Strong, the emperor of the Songhai.
In 344, the Wizard Xurtax created the Magic Mouth spell as a part of a puzzle for his dungeon beneath Gonilore, unaware of it's nearly limitless uses.
In 348, the braver adventurers of the world began attempting to explore the Desert of Shadow, none of whom returned.
In 350, Gregory the Great, a general of the Holy Roman Empire brought his army up to Ustro Zomus in searching for answers about the strange monsters rumored to exist up there.
In 351, a majestic dragon of platinum scales descended to earth in Stríðsmennheim, travelling to Ustro Zomus to fight the three monsters. The dragon referred to himself as Bahamut, a holy dragon who's mission was to destroy the monsters that tip the balance of nature.
In 352, a deadly dragon bearing 5 multi colored heads flew to Ustro Zomus from the south, destroying everything in it's wake. It's name was Tiamat, the queen of all non-metalic dragons. Her destruction was absolute, causing devastating damage to everything in her path. She fought directly to attack Bahamut in specific, who was forced to retreat in order to protect those who still fought against the terrible beasts. Bahamut fled to the elemental plane of winds, where he constructed a fortress.
In 354, Merlin took an apprentice as his adopted son. This man's name was Desmond Theraboore, who took up Merlin's last name of Ambrose. He was a powerful Druid, eventually becoming an Initiate of the 5th Circle.
In 360, both Tiamat and Morgana set out across the Whistling Mountains to attack Camelot, attempting this time to kill Merlin specifically. In order to protect Camelot, Merlin travelled to the Whistling Mountains to face them head on. He disappeared suddenly during their fight, presumed dead.
In 361, a region once under the control of The Orient attempted to separate itself from it's home nation as it's own realm, by the name of Hindustan. This was primarily in order to provide them with religious separation from The Orient, who's primary religious form featured the heavens and skies themselves as their primary dietic force. Naturally, emperor Liu Swen was not so willing to allow their southwestern quadrant freedom so easily, so a war was declared between the two sides. Known hence as the "First Hindustani War," this war featured the impressive battlefield tactics of Zhong Fang, who utilized the Hindustani war elephants to great effect against The Orient, and their mighty gold dragons.
In 363, General Cao Cao IV was wounded severely in the First Hindustan War, forcing him into retirement as a general hereafter. He took this opportunity to travel other parts of the world, touring most of the Holy Roman Empire and sharing his knowledge of philosophy and the value of recruiting with the rest of the world. This led to the publication of the sophisticated talent for Recruiting becoming publicized, used primarily by many aspiring generals and leaders to come.
In 368, Morgana killed Stren Greekpeak using her Death Spell to destroy her once more. After her death, most of the force attacking Ustro Zomus disappeared. This caused a suspension in the quest to exterminate Morgana's terrible Monsters.
In 371, the next Grand Druid of the world came to be. His name was Vabok Rithzamdak, of descent of the nation of Stríðsmennheim. He had a strong affinity for bears. He was well known for his mount more than his own accomplishments, being an owlbear whom he referred to only as "John."
In 372, a cunning Evoker by the name of Robert Nystul created the Nystul's Magic Aura spell. This magic allows a Magic-User to place a magical dweomer upon an ordinary item, making it appear as though it were magical.
In 373, a spanish Myrmidon by the name of El Fusilado created the first of the "Martial Arts" that are now coveted by warriors around the world. This was the ability of parrying attacks with greater focus, after taking a defensive stance in battle.
In 375, a legendary engineer by the name of Franklin Davis designed the first successful concept of a sailing vessel, utilizing the wind and a rudder to create motion instead of utilizing galleys, the previous standard for sea travel. This revolutionized travel over water, opening new horizons for trade, transport, and war.
In 376, the First Hindustani War came to it's end. The Hindustan Empire became fully separated from The Orient, staying it's own entity hereafter. Also in 376, Pope Solomon IV died of old age. Replacing him was Henry the Wise, who led the Catholic church for many years to come. He was especially fond of Gabriel's Letters.
In 377, a dark hearted Lord of the Songhai Empire by the name of Nomul Tarazul sought out a greater power to enhance his ability. He turned to Armok, the God of Blood for answers to his craving for power. He was then cursed with an uncontrollable desire to destroy the forces of the Living God who's influence dominated much of the world. With this curse came great power as well, as his ability as a sort of "Paladin" under Armok gave him magical talents as though he were a Cleric. His flesh withered and loosely clung to bone, Nomul becoming an undead forevermore. This led to the creation of a new class, the first in nearly 300 years. Thus the Anti-Paladin sect was formed, with the sole purpose of confronting the forces of good in the world. Also in 377, Dragûrr was killed in battle against a giant undead elephant from the Desert of Shadow. The title of Master of the North wind was left vacant, being quickly filled by Sylvalus the Wise. After this, Arnoor the Brave became the Master of Red Dragons, coming from the new Hindustan Empire.
In 378, Liu Fei died of old age.
In 380, the remaining Master Monks in the world suddenly vanished, leaving no trace of them anywhere. The nature of this disappearance is completely unknown, but some historians believe this is somehow related to the disappearance of a dwarven metropolis in 244. Shortly after all the masters disappeared, a demon emerged from the Desert of Shadow. This creature took the form of an ogre, with purely indigo skin. This demon's name was Urgath, Destroyer of Lands, and he came to destroy the Holy Roman Empire.
In 381, Urgath, Destroyer of Lands was defeated by Maria Garcia, a powerful Bishop from Spain who came to the aid of the Holy Roman Empire. Urgath was banished back to the third layer of hell: Voracium, where he originated from via a Dispel Evil spell cast at a very high potency by Maria.
In 383, Chu Aizawa became the next Master of White Dragons after killing an Orge-Mage by the name of Yenandúre plaguing the village he was born in as he commuted home from the market.
In 384, Samwise of Farvion, who was a powerful warrior of Thunendák, became the Master of Green Dragons after a battle with a Forgotten Beast. This beast was named "The Scourge of Onúlthol," as it terrorized the dwarven fortress for many months. It's body was made from hard scales and took the shape of a great worm, with two enormous bat-like wings. Samwise struck it down with his mighty crossbow.
In 385, Chu Aizawa progressed to become the next Master of the North Wind. He achieved this after defeating several Ogre-Magi found in a campsite after he spent the previous three seasons tracking Yenandúre to the camp he came from. He even retrieved Gojin, an artifact vase which originally belonged to his home village.
In 388, Duregoth the Fanged was finally assassinated by a talented Assassin by the name of Tenmoore Skye, a renowned monster hunter who killed Duregoth in an Assassin's duel with twenty archers, all armed with bows and silver-tipped poisoned arrows. He famously used Monkshood poison in this instance, killing Duregoth with the generally considered weaker poison. Tenmoore became the Grandfather of Assassins hereafter.
In 391, a dwarven Lord by the name of Urist the Red, a Gilduran citizen created a new Martial Art, utilizing his dwarvish senses to create an ability known as a "Martial Trance," which allowed him to easily face several opponents simultaneously.
In 392, Samwise of Farvion travelled to the north of The Orient to duel Chu Aizawa in an effort to gain the title of Master of the North Wind. He was unsuccessful.
In 394, Chu Aizawa became the Master of the West Wind after travelling to Thunendák to face Samwise of Farvion once more. That same year, Samwise became the Master of the North Wind, then travelling to Stríðsmennheim to train.
In 400, William Britannia II died of old age, leaving the throne of Camelot vacant. Eeyrin of Camelot became the first non-human ruler to lead the nation, though she soon gave up the title when her eldest son Henry, a half-elf reached the age of 25 and was given the throne.
In 401, Henry Britannia of Camelot sent many knights in search of Excalibur. He then himself invited the King Iru of Floryn to dinner in his castle, where he poisoned his food with truth serum in an effort of getting him to yield information about Excalibur. This was at the partial fault of Eeyrin, Iru's daughter, who had accidentally let slip the fact that her father knew of the whereabouts of the holy sword Excalibur. This may also have been the result of usage of truth serum. Later that year, Henry found the holy weapon, claiming it as his own. Also in 401, Edward the Brave, a master from Floryn became the next Master of Green Dragons, gaining the Monk title after defeating an Assassin by the name of Baldwin Green who threatened the throne of Floryn.
In 403, Eeyrin of Camelot was assassinated by Tenmoore Skye, the Grandfather of Assassins. There were many suspicions as to who commissioned the assassination, though the blame eventually fell on Henry Britannia, her son, who had grown visibly tired of his mother attempting to command his future. Many other nations of Terra Lingvarum denounced him because of this. Later that year, Urist Ongetnodok of Gildur declared war upon Camelot and ended the previously long-standing treaty between Gildur and Camelot. King Iru of Floryn also denounced Henry, joining the war alongside Gildur.
In 404, A man appeared in the southern forests of Albion: an outlaw who stole away the riches of the crown and hid them in the forests of the south. This man took the name of Robin Hood, a talented archer and a hero of the land. His riches were not held for personal gain, but were dispersed amongst the commonfolk. He appeared in response to the excessive taxes imposed by Prince John Britannia, who taxed the people greatly at their expense. Robin Hood returned the riches that were taken from them, and saved the livelihoods of over a hundred families throughout Britannia. It is believed by many that John's brother, Richard Britannia aided the Thief in his motive. One such family was that of Eric Melbourne, a knight who's son was famously held ransom by a group of nearby bandits. He borrowed money from the church to pay for his son's ransom, but could not return the money within the two weeks time allotted by the church. Rather than sell his lands and lose his title as a knight, he sought out Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest to settle his debts. When first he met the outlaw, he was not only offered the money to save his lands and the commonfolk he watched over, but also that Robin held a feast in his honor, serving the man meat and wine. The knight returned in a month's time, to repay his debts to the outlaw Robin Hood. Robin did not accept the knight's pay, but rather heeded him to put his money into his land, to build more trade routes, and to strengthen the security of his people.
In 406, Henry Britannia killed Urist Ongetnodok in battle. Vabok Ongetnodok became the ruler of Gildur hereafter. During this time, as a way of showing his spitefulness for Iru of Floryn, he cursed his elven half and changed the official name of Camelot to Britannia, named after himself.
In 407, King Iru of Floryn was killed in battle via assassination, by one of Henry Britannia's assailants. Hereafter, his eldest daughter Fimere hence ruled as Queen of Floryn. Henry Britannia proceeded to bring the war to Floryn, attempting to conquer their land.
In 408, with thousands of soldiers from the Holy Roman Empire behind him, Baltasar Schneider led his armies to assist Floryn's defense. Though the previous two kings had failed, it was Baltasar who succeeded in defeating Henry Britannia and forcing him into a retreat. Then, by agreement of the Council of Rome and the rulers of Gildur, Floryn, and Schneider, a democratic vote was held amongst the people of Britannia to exile their new and twisted ruler, replacing him with his next of kin. This man was young Henry Britannia II, who was guided by ambassadors of the four nations as he grew and matured.
In 409, Tenmoore Skye was assassinated during a duel by Eazon Magus, a highly skilled Assassin who hence gained the title of Grandfather of Assassins.
In 411, the mighty Wizard William Mordenkainen created the spell Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound. This spell summons a phantasmal watchdog only seen by the Magic-User who conjured it, being as a guard capable of seeing all creatures who approach. The dog will bark loudly should any creature larger than a cat approach, including creatures who cannot normally be seen.
In 412, Eazon Magus infiltrated Asada Tayo under the guise of Invisibility in an effort to steal an artifact found there. He left with Eciatheli, a set of elfin chain armor. Eciatheli was a suit of elfin chain, with all craftsmanship of the highest quality. The chains of the armor as interwoven so delicately, that the armor makes almost no noise while moving. It's lightweight nature allows movement with incredible ease. It menaces with spikes of electrum. Also in 412, Don of the Red Sand became the Master of Red Dragons after travelling from the Orient to the Songhai Empire.
In 413, Queen Fimere of Floryn sent gold as well as 4 suits of elfin chain to Britannia, as an effort of making peace with the island nation, and it's unstoppable navy.
In 414, Liu Daiyu became the Master of White Dragons.
In 415, Stren Greenpeak died of old age, leaving the title of The Grand Druid vacant.
In 416, the Wizard William Mordenkainen created the spell known as Mordenkainen's Sword, which conjured a mighty spectral blade into the air, hovering araround the caster. The blade is magically controlled to strike those within it's very long range by flying into them.
In 417, Robin Hood was recognized as a hero of Britannia's history, and he was fully pardoned by his crimes against the crown.
In 418, Vabok Ongetnodok, King of Gildur created an artifact. This was dubbed Othlestzefon, an anvil forged from pure adamantine. The object was covered in engravings relating to the death of Urist Ongetnodok, the assassination of King Iru of Floryn, and the defeat of Henry Britannia by Baltasar Schneider. Henry's figure is charcoal black, carved and inset with obsidian, while Baltasar is inset with fire opals. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality.
In 419, the Songhai Empire declared war upon the Holy Roman Empire. The current emperor, Illuxathul fought on the front lines with his generals and Anti-Paladins. He defeated several of Rome's generals, and slew many innocent people throughout his war.
In 420, Illuxathul of the Songhai Empire attempted to lay false claim to Aurea Egypta, claiming it as land of the Songhai Empire. This was done without any sort of conquering, as it was more a show of power. This proved to stir the capitals of the many Roman states to anger, as a month later Illuxathul was slain by Hector Mangus, a renowned Paladin. After Illuxathul's death, Mordred the Red became the emperor of the Songhai. Before now, Mordred was an advisor of Illuxathul who originated in Britannia. He then went to Stadtder Diebe to learn of poisons from their renowned Assassins.
In 421, Ifirit, Who Bore the Flame became the next Grand Druid after the secrets of the world were unraveled before him at a young age. He had an affinity for elementals.
In 423, a human performer by the name of Stren Thrunisiru wrote a beautiful sonnet about the legendary Robin Hood, and his interactions with Richard Melbourne. The song's title was "Robin Hood and the Beggar Knight," and it has been sung many many singers and poets since.
In 424, Chu Aizawa became the Master of the West Wind after defeating Xenthus Roc, a Prime Assassin of the Songhai empire. Xenthus was in the midst of an armed robbery in Stríðsmennheim, where he was found and slain by Chu Aizawa.
In 430, Egorgihau Motaurzatine was summoned into the world by Armok, god of blood. Egorgihau was a demon in the shape of a tiger, with huge fins on his back that stretched out like sails. There was a slab that has hence been destroyed that once read: "I, Egorgihau Motaurzatine was summoned to the material plane by Armok. By my name I bind myself to this slab, that should this name ever be uttered I shall be banished to Angerus forevermore." Egorgihau Motayrzatine was called for decades by the name of "The River Demon" who haunted the rivers of the Orient.
In 432, Chu Aizawa became the Master of the South Wind after travelling to the Desert of Shadow to explore it's outskirts. He found many adventurer's camps there, but found no trace of survivors. The only remnant that could have once been involved with the campsites was a hoard of undead more advanced than typical zombies or skeletons. To this day such creatures have never been sighted again, as they have completely disappeared into the desert.
In 433, Edward the Brave became the Master of the North Wind after an encounter with a group of Fire Giants in the north of Stríðsmennheim. They were a powerful raiding party, known for terrorizing and razing villages all over the north. Edward defeated them all, mostly utilizing traps and crossbows to win a battle of tactics before winning a battle of combat.
In 435, Salazar the Red, both a skilled Veteran a Prime Assassin became the first to research the Florentine Combat martial art. This was a skill based off of Two Weapon Fighting, as both skills allow the usage of a weapon in each hand. Florentine Combat is a much wilder skill, as it involves the user swinging two weapons (in the original case, scimitars) against an opponent in quick succession. This is done at a severe drop in accuracy on both attacks, though often hits the target at least once by deflecting the opponent's blade before striking with the other weapon.
In 436, The River Demon of the Orient killed Liu Daiyu, the Master of White Dragons in a battle where she assisted in leading an army led by Qi Yu, a powerful general of the Orient. There were no survivors in this battle, save the River Demon. There is no real firsthand documentation, and there is no knowledge of how the army was killed.
In 440, the Hobgoblins of Ustro Zomus began to accumulate in other parts of the world, particularly forming tribes in the Orient.
In 442, Chu Aizawa narrowly avoided death as he was struck by a poisoned crossbow bolt fired by a Half-Orc Assassin who tracked him from the Songhai. This uncovered a plot made by the Songhai to place Don of the Red Sand, the Master of Red dragons as a more powerful Monk. Don of the Red Sand was an honorable man however, and hence willingly stepped down from the title of Master of Red Dragons, wishing to redeem himself by earning a similar title again.
In 445, Edward the Brave became the Master of the West Wind after leaving Stríðsmennheim to return to Floryn. There, he defeated an entire Hobgoblin raiding party by himself, making him an enemy of the Hobgoblin tribe known as the Flesh Renders, who terrorized the Elves of Floryn for some years prior.
In 447, Edward the Brave defeated Chu Aizawa in a Monk's Duel, claiming the title of Master of the South Wind hereafter. He then built a monastery in Floryn, a monastery that later grew into the city of Cimi Imase.
In 448, Eazon Magus, Grandfather of Assassins assassinated Chu Aizawa under pay of the Songhai Empire. After this, the Holy Roman Empire declared war upon the Songhai Empire. Soon after this, Edward the Brave felt that he had dishonored himself by takin Aizawa's title just before he died. He swore vengeance upon the Songhai Empire, Stadtder Diebe for their assassins, and Eazon Magus for the murder of Chu Aizawa. This was hence known as the "War of the South Wind," due to Edward's title as the Master of the South Wind.
In 449, the War of the South Wind raged on, and roughly 1/3 of the Songhai's lands were taken by the Holy Roman Empire. This escalated quickly however, when a high ranking Chevalier of Rome by the name of Gladius Achilles was struck down by Delron Xulthabore, a terribly skilled Anti-Paladin of the Songhai.
In 452, a civil war broke out in Floryn after Queen Fimere of Floryn remained an absent ruler for far too long, doing very little to serve her people. She spent most of her time indulging in her own entertainment, too afraid to get involved in any conflicts, or make a decision her people would be unhappy with. Instead of leading her country, she cowered in her father's palace. Most of the Elves of Floryn fought on her side, whilst many of Floryn's Humans fought against her in an effort to displace her as the ruler of Floryn. This war was hence known as the "Gallic War," as by the end of it Floryn had split into two distinct nations: Floryn and Gaul.
In 455, "Walking Boar" became the Master of Red Dragons, Gerolf of Gildur became the Master of Green Dragons, and Hu Hai Dou became the Master of White Dragons.
In 456, the War of the South Wind developed further from just a vengeance against the Songhai to put them in their place, to becoming a holy crusade against Armok and his Anti-Paladins. This crusade became known as the War Against Armok: The Second Crusade.
In 457, the Gallic War progressed further when Queen Fimere of Floryn narrowly survived an assassination attempt by pure chance. She then fled the capitol in hopes of remaining hidden while her soldiers fought for her.
In 458, many of Queen Fimere of Floryn's soldiers defected to the side of the Gallic Humans.
In 460, the War of the South Wind ended when the capitol of the Songhai Empire, Ghana fell to the advance of Edward the Brave, led by the banners of the second crusade. After this, Edward the Brave left for the Orient to formally apologize to the grave of Chu Aizawa, bringing flowers that he himself had picked while in Ghana. He then ascended to the title of Master of the East Wind.
In 463, Thunendák fell to the many savage creatures of it's eastern side. Eyi Ida, "The Spikes of Duty" was partially responsible, a huge Dwarven Colossus built originally for protection had gone completely rogue. The true deciding factor was when the Scarab of Death killed thousands of the population by merely entering the capitol city.
In 464, the Gallic War ended when Asada Tayo, capitol of Floryn was taken by the Gallic Humans. They renamed the capitol to Gaul, and the 3 major generals at the head of the rebellion were instated as a parliament of sorts over the new nation. Thus the kingdom of Floryn was split into two: Gaul, the western half, and Floryn, the eastern half. Queen Fimere ruled over the west, while the Gallic Parliament ruled the east.
In 465, two of the three members of Gallic Parliament were assassinated. These were Waldebert and Leon, two esteemed generals. The remaining general, and the one responsible for this established Gaul as a kingdom hereafter. His name was Raphael Windbeer, a very strong general who desired power above all else.
In 466, Walking Boar became the Master of the North Wind, being one of the most notable cases of contact between a man from the former Songhai Empire and Stríðsmennheim, where Walking Boar made several friends there. He recruited two Fighters of incredible talent from there, being Asger and Erlend, both warriors who fought nobly with their spears alongside Walking Boar. The three travelled into several old tombs and crypts throughout the land.
In 469, Edward the Brave became the Master of Winter.
In 471, Walking Boar became the Master of the West Wind after travelling to newly formed Gaul, and saw the wickedness of their leader after uncovering his plot to assassinate his two friends and become king. With his two generals, and their followers, Walking Boar rose up against Raphael Windbeer, and killed him using an army comprised partially of Gallic citizens who fought alongside him to overthrow their new ruler. After Windbeer's death, Walking Boar parted ways with his dear friend Erlend, as he took the throne of Gaul. He led the people well, and even established a trade route between Gaul and Floryn, a remarkable feat so soon after the Gallic War.
In 472, Gerolf of Gildur became the Master of the North Wind.
In 476, Henry Britannia II died of old age. He did not accomplish much in the means of gaining political power, but bolstered his nation's economy and infrastructure while he lived. Hereafter, Edward Britannia reigned over the nation.
In 480, the Holy Roman Empire, after occupying most of what was once the Songhai Empire for several years, discovered a Songhai general who hid from them after the War of the South Wind ended. This was a Half-Orc with supreme dexterity, who had been supposedly blessed by Armok himself. This was the first recorded appearance of a Blademaster, a dark sect of Armok's warriors known for cleaving through several enemies with ease. They fought using their lightning speed to attack with incredible ferocity, sometimes striking an enemy up to 10 times with even slower weapons. The Blademaster got away. His name is still unknown.
In 481, Edward the Brave became the Master of Autumn, the ninth of his kind.
In 482, Walking Boar became the Master of the South Wind after travelling to Rome. He met with many great generals there, and recruited one by the name of Hector Green, a powerful warrior who specialized in fighting behind a kiteshield. With the help of his new general, he defeated a large force of Fire Giants who appeared in Aurea Egypta.
In 483, seven mages wearing golden robes entered the courts of King Edward of Britannia. They shared with him knowledge about ancient prophecies relating to King Arthur, who is said to return one day to reclaim the throne of Camelot. They were quickly cast out of the room, as King Edward did not want to hear of a man who would take his throne from him. The holy sword, Excalibur went missing the same day, disappearing from Britannia forever.
In 484, Eazon Magus, the Grandfather of Assassins died of old age, leaving his title vacant. After him came Carter of Stadtder Diebe, who specialized in killing targets with unassuming weapons such as slings, darts, and other small projectiles.
In 487, a general of the Orient grew tired of the Assassins that plagued his homeland. He trained his forces specifically in exterminating Assassins, and replacing their uses in the armies of the Orient with a more honorable profession that accomplished the same goals. His name was Cao Qi, and he was responsible for the creation of the Anti-Assassin class. These, along with his specialized forces were trained in the art of killing swiftly and with the advantage of surprise, much like Assassins, however these elite Fighters fought using a lightning-fast quick draw technique, allowing for a nearly-instant strike from the front against an opponent not prepared for an immediate confrontation. They reach their ideal condition by using disguise and concealment before springing forward with a hidden weapon.
In 489, the powerful Sorceress Grunhilde of Stríðsmennheim created the Explosive Runes spell to protect treasure, particularly written works such as literature and magical scrolls.
In 492, Walking Boar became the Master of the East Wind after travelling to the Orient, seeking new generals. He recruited two generals, Chao Fa, and Gao Lang. These two generals proved vital with their skill in the Halberd, and Walking Boar used them to assist him in defeating the River Demon by discovering his slab at the bottom of a dungeon, and banishing him to Angerus by his true name.
In 499, Edward the Brave became the fifth ever Master of Summer, after using the Quivering Palm technique to kill a powerful Black Dragon by the name of Ulgroth the Marsh Titan, who held dominion over Hindustan. After the beast was slain, Hindustan began to truly thrive as a nation.
In 501, a legendary sailor by the name of Davy Jones embarked on his most infamous voyage. This was to the southmost point of Farvion, near what is now known as Jones' Basin. He hunted treasure along the coast, finding his fortune in the depths of a strange peak that was split in two. Jones and his crew went into the depths of a dungeon here, where, as the legend goes, Jones sold his soul to Armok in order to survive when the group encountered a powerful Pit Fiend who bore the name of Sentalon Xentaxore, the name that Armok knew and revealed to Davy Jones. By speaking it's true name, the devil was banished to it's home plane of Heracex, to which it is forever bound. The rest of Jones' crew was killed by the devil before it could be banished however, and Jones escaped back to his ship after loading all the treasure available to his vessel. From this day Jones has ceased to age, a form of undead for the rest of his days.
In 502, Davy Jones killed Eazon Magus, the Grandfather of Assassins in order to secure his title. Davy Jones was and is the Grandfather of Assassins, as his title has never been taken.
In 503, Hu Hai Dou became the Master of the North Wind after braving the frozen wastes of the Malinov Drifts, and killing a Frost Giant who kidnapped a few villagers from his home city. Until now, Hu Hai Dou had mostly spent his time writing great works about religion, tactics, and monastic tradition. From this point on, he took his title as a Monk much more seriously.
In 504, the "Slow Killers" Hobgoblin tribe grew to the largest size it had ever been, and organized itself fully against Spain. The Hobgoblins managed to conquer multiple cities in the west of Spain, and continued to grow from there. Naturally as Spain fought back, this grew from more of a full on war than a few simple bandit attacks. This was known hereafter as the "War of Slow Burning," as many cities were razed during the war.
In 505, Farvion was colonized for the second time, this time by Julius Rhodes, a legendary Ranger who braved the many foul beasts of the wilderness in order to create a port city on the far western coast of the isle. This city was modern day Greenport, one of the oldest cities of Farvion to the day. His lands were known as Rhodelia in this time.
In 506, Julius Rhodes wrote a book titled "The Burden of the Crown" as a message to all who hold a leadership position.
In 507, Walking Boar travelled to the Whistling Peaks, where he constructed his monastery. Also in 508, Hu Hai Dou became the Master of the West Wind after travelling to Farvion to assist Julius Rhodes in defending his lands.
In 508, Julius Rhodes built more cities in Farvion, expanding Rhodelia's lands. Also in 508, Davy Jones took notice of Julius Rhodes, and requested permission to build Assassins Guild locations in his nation. Julius declined.
In 510, Davy Jones founded the Thieves' Guild known as Liar's Hand around the system of it having three divisions. The lowest of these was the Thief division, where people were hired to steal objects and raid dungeons. The next was the Smuggler division, where people were hired to smuggle items from place to place above the law. The most powerful, and the division holding the most influence was the Assassin division, where people were hired for the sake of killing specific targets, and spying on nations.
In 511, Walking Boar's monastery was attacked by a large Goblin siege coming from Ustro Zomus. Walking Boar and his many generals were more than capable of fending off the attack, and Walking Boar killed four hundred Goblins on his own. He was elevated to the title of Master of Winter hereafter.
In 514, Edward the Brave travelled into the Desert of Shadow, attempting to investigate the mysterious desert.
In 516, Sven of Stríðsmennheim became the Master of Green dragons.
In 519, Julius Rhodes met with the Firbolgs of Farvion, and arranged a peace treaty which prevented him from taking the Firbolg lands.
In 521, The "common tongue" was developed by Gallum Wier, a renowned linguist. By combining traits of other native tongues, he crafted a language which was meant to be easy to learn by all folk. Britannia was the first to adopt this tongue officially. Also in 521, Walking Boar became the Master of Autumn.
In 522, Chen Han became the Master of White Dragons.
In 523, Rhodelia received four elven diplomats from Floryn.
In 524, Edward the Brave emerged from the Desert of Shadow, after having sealed away 3 different demons by finding their vaults located in the deadly desert. He did battle with and killed one other demon, a Bone Devil who had taken residence there. He was elevated to the title of Master of Spring, the second Monk to ever achieve such a title.
In 526, King Edward of Britannia died of natural causes. His heir was Edward II, who ruled hereafter with an iron fist.
In 527, Sven of Stridsmenheim became the Master of the North Wind after defeating a Frost Giant that had seized control of some lands near Wyrdhaug.
In 529, Rugdir of Rome became the Master of Red Dragons.
In 532, Hu Hai Do became the Master of the South Wind.
In 534, Edward the Brave sought out the Armored Wanderer to face it in combat. He searched for it, finding it in a city far within the borders of Ustro Zomus. The Quivering Palm technique was ineffective, but Edward pressed on and eventually managed to win the fight after 400 bouts spread over 7 days. The Armored Wanderer was severely damaged. When Edward got close to defeating the monster, the powerful Morgana appeared. She saved the creature, and seriously wounded Edward during the battle. Edward eventually escaped.
In 536, Sven of Stríðsmennheim became the Master of the West Wind.
In 537, Rugdir of Rome became the Master of the North Wind. Also in 533, Selena of Egypta became the Master of Red Dragons.
In 538, Davy Jones was challenged to an Assassin's duel by Collus the Dark, a Half-Orc Assassin. Collus supposedly stabbed Jones with a poisoned shortsword, but Jones appeared unscathed. Jones then had Collus killed, slaying him instantly via a hidden archer with an arrow of slaying.
In 540, a renowned sailor by the name of Gerard Davis began to carve a path through the ice north of Stríðsmennheim travelling from west to east, in an effort to create a canal between Stríðsmennheim and the Orient. This path started at the western tip of the Impassable Peaks north of Wyrdhaug. This is where a further path north would be most probable. Gerard was the first to assume that the world's globe shape could be used to cross distances by going further north rather than taking a long way around. This had never before been attempted, as the frozen wasteland near the north pole is considered untraversable, even to this day. He had not made it far when multiple white dragons descended upon him, forever encasing him in the frost and ice.
In 543, Julius Rhodes died of old age. His son, Ceres Rhodes became king of Rhodelia hereafter.
In 544, Edward II died a meaningless death as he squabbled with Eldrena Ignar, a malicious Red Dragon who settled in the west of Albion. His heir, Edward III ruled hereafter, more forgiving than his father. He made peace with the dragon, offering it tribute each decade until his death.
In 545, Edward the Brave became the first ever Grand Master of Flowers. He did this by venturing deep into Exalthiore, the name bestowed upon the great labyrinth located within the Whistling Peaks, the fortress home of Drolthir the Mountain Titan. Edward ventured deep within the walls of the dungeon to meet the Mountain Titan. He sought answers from the noble creature and his six brass dragons, as to the whereabouts of the Fountain of Youth, a magical artifact that can supposedly raise the dead and restore youthful vigor. The only answering Drolthir could provide was that it resides far in the earth beneath the tomb of a once-great demon slayer. Edward continued his search, and delved into dozens of tombs and dungeons in this year alone.
In 548, Walking Boar became the Master of Winter.
In 549, Hu Hai Do returned to his home village after becoming the Master of the East Wind.
In 550, Reagan Rhodes became the Master of Green Dragons.
In 551, the Rhodelia Empire finally established trade schedules with the rest of Terra Linguarum.
In 552, Sven of Stríðsmennheim became the Master of the South Wind.
In 554, Rugdir of Rome became the Master of the West Wind. Also in 554, Selena of Egypta became the Master of the North Wind.
In 555, Celine of Wyrdhaug challenged Davy Jones to an Assassin's duel. She was slain instantly by Davy Jones' legendary "Cutlass of Stealing Souls."
In 558, Walking Boar became the Master of Autumn.
In 559, Rugdir of Rome became the Master of the South Wind, after defeating Sven of Stríðsmennheim in a duel. Sven then became the Master of the West Wind.
In 560, Hu Hai Do became the Master of Winter.
In 562, Ceres Rhodes was slain by a roaming band of Hill Giants coming from the west as he explored the available land in Farvion. His two sons became governing figures of Rhodelia hereafter, being Cyrus Rhodes and Reagan Rhodes. Cyrus was an accomplished Fighter, and Reagan was an accomplished Monk.
In 565, Rugdir of Rome became the Master of the East Wind.
In 566, Cyrus Rhodes left home to avenge his father, fighting against the Hill Giants. Also in 566, Sven of Stríðsmennheim became the Master of the South Wind once more.
In 567, Walking Boar became the Master of Summer, after recruiting more generals from the Holy Roman Empire to attempt to defeat the Iron Wanderer, who had appeared in the north of the empire. The creature eventually escaped after suffering significant damage.
In 568, Selena of Egypta became the Master of the West Wind before travelling to Farvion to meet Thumadell, the Hill Titan. She met with Reagan Rhodes while she was in Farvion.
In 569, Reagan Rhodes became the Master of the North Wind.
In 571, Hu Hai Do became the Master of Autumn.
In 572, Sven of Stríðsmennheim became the Master of the East Wind after reclaiming his title from Rugdir of Rome.
In 573, Selena of Egypta became the Master of the South Wind after defeating Rugdir of Rome in a Monk's Duel.
In 574, Cyrus Rhodes left the battlefield as a Fighter in order to pursue becoming a feared king, seeking a new and dark power to use against his enemies. Consumed by anger and and indignation, he turned to Armok to grant him power.
In 577, Edward III died of natural causes, leaving his heir, Henry Britannia III to rule hereafter.
In 576, the Temple of the Sun was built in Rhodelia by Cyrus Rhodes, as a temple to Armok. This is considered by some to be the dawning of the Errothar empire, though the empire was not officially founded until much later.
In 578, Reagan Rhodes became the Master of the West Wind.
In 580, Cyrus Rhodes had his first son, who grew into a man named William Rhodes.
In 581, Cyrus Rhodes had an illegitimate child by the name of Eric Errothar.
In 583, Sven of Stríðsmennheim became the Master of Winter.
In 584, Johan of Agathar became the Master of Green Dragons.
In 588, Chen Han became the Master of the North Wind.
In 589, Garth of what was once known as the Songhai became the Master of Red Dragons.
In 594, the Elves of Rhodelia split off from the nation that was once built on unity, in order to create their own nation in the northeast of Farvion. This new nation was known as Alvar.
In 600, the official religion of Rhodelia was changed to Armok's Pantheon.
In 601, Selena of Egypta became the Master of the East Wind. She later travelled to the Orient to train. She was known as the "Golden Angel" who defeated several monsters and bandits, and was particularly fond of the many Gold Dragons of the Orient.
In 602, Reagan Rhodes became the Master of the South Wind.
In 604, Garth of the Songhai founded a new nation built off of his monastery just north of the Desert of Shadow, a new kingdom built around the Catholic Church and it's ideologies of state affairs. This kingdom's name was simply the Sand Kingdom, as it produced more glass than anywhere else in the world.
In 605, Edward the Brave, the Grand Master of Flowers built an enormous dungeon under his monestary in Spain. He dubbed it the Vault of Valor, and sent many aspiring Monks to find magical items throughout the world and bring them to his dungeon. In the meantime, he created thousands of metal crafts in hopes of filling his dungeon with masterworks.
In 606, a small Orc population in Rhodelia separated itself from the more passive lifestyle of the rest of the nation, founding Mar'koth in the northwest of Farvion where they hunted savage beasts.
In 608, Chen Han became the Master of the West Wind. Also in 608, Johan of Agathar became the Master of the North Wind.
In 609, Santiago the Quick became the Master of Green Dragons.
In 611, A powerful Sorcerer named Oulín the wise created a sect of Magic-Users in Stríðsmennheim. These were called the Owl Lords, and their requirements were only to be of lawful alignment, but also that they must have an owl familiar. Oulín lended the magic of his Orb if Power and Crystal Ball to any who came to join his clan.
In 614, Oulín the Wise earned the respect and service of a giant owl, who he named Emrys
In 615, Selena of Egypta became the Master of Winter.
In 616, A powerful Elven Warlock who only called herself Rose slayed a deadly Vampire who plagued Namashire's northern provinces. The same year, Oulín became a Wizard and began enchanting items for his clan.
In 617, Santiago sought out Edward the Brave and became his pupil.
In 618, Rose the Warlock joined Oulín the Wizard in the creation of powerful magic items. She created many sets of masterwork leather armor and elven chain for Oulín's treasure hoard. The Owl Lords truly cemented themselves as an influence in the world.
In 619, Chen Han travelled to Farvion and challenged Reagan Rhodes to a Monk's Duel. He was defeated after 9 bouts, when Reagan's spatial sense and superior wisdom allowed him to avoid Chen Han's many stealth-oriented attacks.
In 620, Reagan Rhodes became the Master of the East Wind.
In 621, Chen Han became the Master of the South Wind.
In 624, Johan of Agathar became the Master of the West Wind. Also in 624, Garth of the Sand Kingdom became the Master of the North Wind.
In 628, Edward the Brave completed his Vault of Valor.
In 630, Oulín the Owl Lord swore love to his most trusted companion, Rose the Elven Sorcerer. When she returned his love, Rose sought out a way for Oulín to live as long as her.
In 631, Hu Hai Do was killed by a small army of Ogre-Magi from the east, who killed some of his family also. He left the title of Master of Autumn vacant for some time afterwards.
In 632, Walking Boar took his many generals to destroy the Ogre-Magi who murdered Hu Hai Do. This led to the scattering of Ogre-Magi out of places in the Orient, as they travelled across the Malinov Drifts.
In 636, Cyrus Rhodes died defending his palace when the forgotten beast known as Rûhorr the Tall emerged from the depths of a dungeon Cyrus had dug beneath his palace. Rûhorr was an enormous worm covered in yellow fur and thin black spines. The beast was also said to have breathed fire. Hereafter, Cyrus' son William Rhodes became the ruler, though this lasted only one month before he was slain by Eric Errothar, who then took the throne.
In 637, the Dwarves of Rhodelia split from the nation, claiming their land in the mountains nearby, where Thunendàk once was.
In 638, Santiago the Quick defeated Garth of the Sand Kingdom with his far superior speed. This led to him seizing the title of Master of the North Wind from Garth.
In 639, Selena of Egypta became the Master of Autumn.
In 640, Oulín the Wise defeated a deadly lich known as Geln. Oulín's prowess over magic allowed him to seize control over Geln's Sphere of Annihilation, which Oulín locked away after the battle. Due to this close brush with death, Oulín decided to allow non Magic-Users to join the Owl Lords, if they could pass a test guided by the giant owls who guarded his stronghold.
In 641, Reagan Rhodes became the Master of Winter.
In 643, Henry Britannia III died of natural causes, leaving Edward Britannia IV to rule hereafter.
In 644, Chen Han became the Master of the East Wind.
In 645, Oulín the Owl Lord became the first Magic-User in centuries to learn the Permanency spell. Using this, he and Rose devised a plan to grant him lengthened life. He sent out word to the Magic-Users of the world who wished their items to be permanently enchanted. He called them to bring payment of Potions of Longevity for the service of his spell.
In 650, Reagan Rhodes became the Master of Autumn after besting Selena of Egypta in a Monk's Duel. The duel lasted 3 hours, with 70 bouts being fought between the two. Eventually, Reagan Rhodes' incredible wisdom allowed him to come out on top.
In 652, Johan of Agathar became the Master of the South Wind. Also in 652, Santiago the Quick became the Master of the West Wind.
In 653, Garth of the Sand Kingdom became the Master of the North Wind once more.
In 654, Santiago the Quick was killed during a dungeon raid by a White Dragon using its deathly frost breath attack.
In 655, the monastary of Reagan Rhodes was destroyed by a very large group of Bandits. In order to control more of the Thieving populous in Rhodelia, Eric allowed a far more active presence of the Liar's Hand Thieves' Guild in the nation.
In 657, Garth of the Sand Kingdom became the Master of West Wind.
In 658, William the Wise became the Master of Green Dragons.
In 660, Reagan Rhodes rebuilt his Monastery near a huge lone mountain in the south of Farvion. The mountain's name was the Observatory, as at its incredibly high peak there was once a huge observatory built for studying the stars. The structure has long since been abandoned, supposedly existing since the earlier days of Thunendàk.
In 662, William the Wise became the Master of the North Wind.
In 666, the Observatory mountain was split in two. The cause is completely unknown, though a dungeon appeared in the crevasse where the mountain's peak once was, a dungeon that has never yet been fully explored. The mountain was renamed to "The Breach." The dungeon was referred to by the same name.
In 667, Eric renamed the nation of Rhodelia after himself, and thus the Empire of Errothar was formed.
In 675, a group of Halfling pilgrims escaped from Errothar, founding their own nation in the hill country. This new kingdom was known as Cinnia, and it capitalized on the freedom to work as the Halflings pleased.
In 678, Walking Boar was killed by an unknown force along with a party consisting of 7 of his generals, after disappearing completely into The Breach.
In 681, Reagan Rhodes became the Master of Summer.
In 683, Selena of Egypta became the Master of Autumn.
In 684, Edward Britannia IV declared war on Calin in an effort to seize more territory and expand their empire.
In 685, Chen Han became the Master of Winter.
In 687, Reagan Rhodes became the Master of Spring.
In 700, the Half-Orcs of Mar'Koth split from their home nation after nearly a century of being treated as "lesser" than their pure Orc counterparts. Their new nation was known as Uul'Keen.
In 701, Reagan Rhodes became the second ever Grand Master of Flowers, the highest achieved Monk Title.
In 704, Amara Silkfallen became the Master of Green Dragons.
In 705, Eric Errothar died of alcohol poisoning. He passed away in his sleep after a night of excessive drinking, which led to his death in his elderly age. Replacing him upon the throne of Errothar was Markov of Errothar, whom Eric had adopted after turning up at his door suddenly some years prior. Nobody is quite sure when this happened, only that it occurred some years before Eric's death.
In 706, Reagan Rhodes dispersed his Monks across the remaining Christian churches of Errothar, sending them to protect them from the growing Armok cults of the nation.
In 708, Markov of Errothar made the Armok Pantheon the official religion of Errothar.
In 709, Reagan Rhodes attempted to sway Markov of Errothar against leading the nation into the worship of Armok. Initially Markov decided he would consider it, but then stormed Reagan's monastery a few months later. Reagan told the rest of his Monks to flee, as he caused a big distraction on the front lines. After being lightly wounded by the forces of Errothar, he retreated into the depths of The Breach where none dared follow. He never emerged.
In 710, Edward Britannia IV died of natural causes, leaving his son Henry IV to rule hereafter.
In 713, Selena of Egypta died in search of Reagan Rhodes. It is rumored she was assassinated, though some claim it to have been Markov or even Armok's doing.
In 714, Amara Silkfallen challenged William the Wise to a Monk's Duel. She was defeated.
In 716, Amara Silkfallen challenged William the Wise to a Monk's Duel a second time. Her tactics were improved by this point, though they were still no match for William the Wise.
In 717, a Half-Orc worshipper of Armok from Gaul left on a journey to the Whistling Peaks passed Floryn, Gildur, and Schneider. He practiced for years at reforging a blade of adamantine over and over again until his weapon was perfected. Once he had mastered this creation, he sought to master his skill over his weapon. He trained for years in the mountains, until his speed with a sword was unmatched. No man had ever before attacked using a two-handed sword at such a speed. He gained followers in Gaul, as well as among the Half-Orcs of Uul'Keen. He taught many of these followers in his arts, and the Blademaster sect was born.
In 718, Chen Han became the Master of Autumn.
In 720, Amara Silkfallen became the Master of the North Wind after finally defeating William the Wise.
In 721, Jen of the Sand Kingdom, a disciple of Garth of the Sand Kingdom became the Master of Red Dragons.
In 723, Amara Silkfallen became the Master of the West Wind after defeating Garth of the Sand Kingdom in a Monk's Duel.
In 729, Amara Silkfallen's father, a Superior Master Monk by the name of Sven Silkfallen was killed by the reported "Bandit King" known in name as Horace. He was a masterful Assassin, who plagued southern Schneider in this time.
In 730, Amara Silkfallen reportedly began training as a skilled Assassin to avenge her dead father.
In 732, Kana of the River became the Master of White Dragons.
In 733, Markov of Errothar suddenly disappeared. He completely vanished without the slightest trace. A week later, while his generals debated who should take his place, he stormed into his throne room bearing a steel mask and carrying a giant two-handed sword made from a pale blue metal. The eye of his mask shown brightly in the darkness of his inner chamber, and a crown resembling the dawning sun sat upon his head. He referred to himself as "Providence" hence, claiming to have returned directly from Armok to conquer Farvion.
In 735, the city state of Yggdrasil was founded in the center of Farvion. It was constructed by former generals of Providence, Callin the Green and Bill of Darkport. They founded a city to research the wild creatures throughout Farvion, building a well fortified castle. Their safe fortress brought the attention of several migrants in the future, and the city state grew to become one of the largest populous in Farvion.
In 738, Cao Sun, a renowned Ranger Lord came to Yggdrasil after taking a holy oath as a Paladin. In an effort to master the Paladin's holy powers, he decided to leave behind his ability as a Ranger until he masters his oath.
In 746, Errothar declared war on Cinnia in Farvion. The same year, the city of Fort Astros was taken over by Errothar.
In 747, the city of Dodok in Anvlore was taken over by a group led by a man calling himself "John Deer," a Human Paladin. The group met little resistance, as citizens of the city emerged from within, showing greater loyalty to John. Later that year, he took the capital city of Bomrek with his armies, and officially was recognized as a true Paladin by the Pope from afar. Also in 747, Errothar's advance upon Cinnia progressed further, and more than a third of the peaceful Halfling nation fell to Errothar's superior might.
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