Races of the World: Goblins
Goblins are a small, malicious race of humanoid driven to cruelty by their evil nature. Goblins are found almost everywhere, especially where other evil races are present, but can mostly be found in Ustro Zomus, "The Dark Twilight" in the western half of the Malinov Drifts (an area far east of Farvion). Goblins are generally known as a wicked and clever race of creature, almost entirely benign to the typical humanoid races. The only major similarities is their sapience, and the fact that they (usually) stand on two legs, have two arms, two eyes, a nose, etc. There are several different documented Goblin types, each with differing features that set them apart. Some have fur, others have large ears, and some lack typical body parts like eyes or noses. The most common forms of Goblins have skin that ranges from sickly green to dark purple, and most have long crooked noses. Some have horns, though these are typically only seen among leader Goblins. They are typically the same size and weight as Gnomes.
As for their history, it is generally accepted that Goblins themselves are a corrupted creation of various kinds of demons. The rather vast differences in their appearances are explained as different Goblins having been created by different demonic archetypes. Goblin abilities rarely change in any drastic sense, but some variation may be noted. As such, Goblins of all forms are almost always of evil alignment, and no good Goblin has ever been documented. Their nature brings them to evil, like an itch that can only be scratched by extreme acts of selfishness and wickedness. They are slave takers, and are especially fond of torture. Goblins lean towards chaotic evil more than any other alignment. Goblins share the same aging speed and resistance as Elves do.
Goblin Characters
Goblins typically dwell within their dark pits and fortresses, being pits dug into the ground with labyrinthine mazes which make up their homes. Their actual dwelling places themselves consist of little more than "hallows" (glorified caves) in which they prepare food, and work at their various camps. They sleep during the day most of all, as since their dark pits aren't well protected they often are required to be alert during the night, when the most dangerous creatures arise. Goblins do not work well with other people, and will always have a -1 to charisma as a part of their characters. They will however have a +1 to dexterity, due to their small, nimble bodies.
Characters of Goblin race may become Fighters, with a maximum level of 7th. They may also become Magic-Users up to 4th level. They may become Thieves or Assassins with no restriction on level. They can also become Shamans without level restriction. They may become Clerics as well, but only of evil alignment, and only up to 7th level. Goblins can also become multi-classed characters, with the following class combinations being possible: Fighter/Magic-User, Fighter/Thief, Fighter/Assassin, Magic-User/Thief, and Magic-User/Assassin. Additionally, Fighter/Magic-User/Thieves are also possible.
All Goblins can speak the following languages in addition to their alignment tongue: Goblin, Hobgoblin, Gnoll, Kobold, Orcish, Bugbear, and the "common tongue" of all mankind. Goblins with an intelligence higher than 15 may learn one additional language for each point over 15, being 1 at 16, 2 at 17, etc.
In Goblin culture, the most commonly used weapons are daggers, flails, maces, clubs, slings, shortbows, darts, spears, military picks, and short swords. They gain no bonuses to using these weapons, but characters coming from Goblin civilizations will likely only be able to begin with these weapons.
Like many other races, Goblins can see into the infrared spectrum at a range of 60'.
Goblins are very skilled in backstabbing, always gaining a +1 to hit against targets who are unaware of their presence. This is offset by their underground dwelling nature, which causes them to attack at a -1 on the dice when outdoors in direct sunlight.
Goblins are decent miners, and can note new or strange constructions 25% of the time.
Due to their small size and their training, Goblins are skilled in the evasion and attack against larger creatures. They always benefit from a +1 to hit against Elves, Half-Elves, Humans, Giants, Trolls, and Ogres. Giants, Trolls, and Ogres will also attack Goblins at a -4 to hit.
Goblins have Thief Table adjustments just as any other race. They benefit from the following:
Pick Pockets: +15%
Open Locks: +5%
Find/Remove Traps: 0
Move Silently: +5%
Hide in Shadows: +10%
Hear Noise: +5%
Climb Walls: -15%
Read Languages: -10%
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