Races of the World: Goblins
Goblins are a small, malicious race of humanoid driven to cruelty by their evil nature. Goblins are found almost everywhere, especially where other evil races are present, but can mostly be found in Ustro Zomus, "The Dark Twilight" in the western half of the Malinov Drifts (an area far east of Farvion). Goblins are generally known as a wicked and clever race of creature, almost entirely benign to the typical humanoid races. The only major similarities is their sapience, and the fact that they (usually) stand on two legs, have two arms, two eyes, a nose, etc. There are several different documented Goblin types, each with differing features that set them apart. Some have fur, others have large ears, and some lack typical body parts like eyes or noses. The most common forms of Goblins have skin that ranges from sickly green to dark purple, and most have long crooked noses. Some have horns, though these are typically only seen among leader Goblins. They are typically the same s...