
Showing posts from July, 2023

Infamous Class: Organ Master

Clerics of Armok / Organ Masters !! WORK IN PROGRESS !! The dark sect of Organ Masters created by Providence was founded in more recent days, designed with the twisted intent of commanding the bodies of other humanoids. Under the pretense of Armok's dark powers, these Clerics of Armok are incredibly powerful evil Clerics with a strong focus on controlling the battlefield. Their blood magic is feared across the land, with Clerics of Armok thrive on any opponent that bleeds. As such, Organ Masters have a strong obsession with blood, often prizing the blood of their victims as a trophy above all others. Clerics of Armok will often collect and store the blood and organs of their victims for use as spell components later on. Among the first of these Organ Masters was Uldroc Lane, who was born in a hidden facility in Errothar. This facility was meant as an experimentation ground where people would be brought to this place in an attempt to indoctrinate them into one of their different Cle...