Infamous Class: Anti-Assassin
The Anti-Assassin
The Anti-Assassin is as the name suggests; the antithesis of the Assassin class. Instead of a skulking, dishonorable user of poisons and deception who slaughters the innocent, the Anti-Assassins face only targets truly worthy of their blades, facing them head-on with the utmost conviction. They despise Assassins, and will never serve under any who sides with them. The very concept is seen as insulting to all Anti-Assassins.
In 487 the Age of Myth, a general of the Orient grew tired of the Assassins that plagued his homeland. He trained his forces specifically in exterminating Assassins, and replacing their uses in the armies of the Orient with a more honorable profession that accomplished the same goals. His name was Cao Qi, and he was responsible for the creation of the Anti-Assassin class. These, along with his specialized forces were trained in the art of killing swiftly and with the advantage of surprise, much like Assassins, however these elite Fighters fought using a lightning-fast quick draw technique, allowing for a nearly-instant strike from the front against an opponent not prepared for an immediate confrontation. They reach their ideal condition by using disguise and concealment before springing forward with a hidden weapon.
Anti-Assassins typically will work with any good aligned characters, and will often cooperate with any specific class. This is without regard for Assassins and other evil classes, whom they despise. The only major exception to this is that Anti-Assassins have a distain for most Thieves, who backstab their opponents. An Anti-Assassin character will only work alongside a Thief who never backstabs opponents outside of combat, and only backstabs when absolutely necessary. Anti-Assassins will also not tolerate the use of picking pockets on characters who cannot afford to be stolen from (as that qualifies as an evil act.) Picking pockets is permitted only on evil characters, and if done for monetary gain, only on wealthy evil characters. Picking pockets to steal an evil caster's spellbook is permitted, as is the stealing of some form of key. (Although, simply picking the lock might be more practical...)
While Anti-Assassins hate the act of backstabbing in itself, they consider Thieves to be of strong tactical benefit in battle and warfare. They will gladly work with Thieves when backstabbing isn't part of the mission, and will often deploy Thieves under their command for spying and investigative missions.
Class Level Limitations |
Class Requirements |
Humans: U |
Strength: 12 |
Halflings: U |
Intelligence: 15 |
Half-Elves & Half-Orcs: 8th Level |
Dexterity: 15 |
Elves: 7th Level | Good alignment |
Must have at least Lawful Tendencies |
As Anti-Assassins are a Fighter subclass, they may take proficiency and even specialize in any weapon. They may never wear armor, as it impedes their ability to disguise themselves. They will begin with 3 weapon proficiencies, and gain more at the same rate as Fighters. Any melee weapon of their choosing may be used in the use of their quick-draw attack which is detailed below. This quick draw is gained at 1st level, and will increase in power as the character gains experience. Quick draw attacks are done instantly, at the same speed at which the character draws the weapon to be used. All Anti-Assassins will gain 50% bonus experience for destroying poisoned weapons. They do not gain bonus experience for high ability.
Anti-Assassin Level refers to the level of experience the Anti-Assassin has gained. Quick Draw Damage refers to the damage multiplier gained from using this quick draw attack.
Anti-Assassin Level | Quick Draw Damage | |
1-4 | x2 | |
5-8 | x3 | |
9-12 | x4 | |
13-16 | x5 |
In order to successfully use a quick draw attack, the Anti-Assassin must have direct line of sight to his or her target, making eye contact. This attack only functions when your opponent does not expect the attack, and your weapon must be concealed for the Quick Draw to succeed. The importance of the surprise cannot be understated: The opponent MUST not expect any attack from you. This almost always that there must not be any battle going on at that moment.
The Anti-Assassin may also conceal weapons using a disguise ability. Anti-Assassins can conceal any of their weapons as seen on the Anti-Assassin Table 1 below. These weapons are concealed similarly to the Change Self spell, making those weapons blend perfectly into the Anti-Assassin's clothing. Note that as this is more of the character's skill in concealment rather than actual magic, a Detect Magic spell will not reveal an illusion or the concealed weapon. Halfling characters can disguise themselves to be much taller than normal, up to as far as 2' in additional height. They can make themselves only 6" shorter, however.
Anti-Assassins can speak Thieves' Cant, as they learn the tongue to secretly understand any confidential conversations held by enemy Thieves.
Anti-Assassins are also quite skilled in the creation and application of antidotes for all poisons, and may do so if the ingredients are available.
Experience Points |
Experience Level |
D10 Hit Dice |
Level Title |
Concealable Weapons*** |
0-2,250 |
1 |
1 |
Concierge |
Clubs, Daggers |
1,751-4,500 |
2 |
2 |
Swordsman |
Darts, Shortswords |
4,501-9,000 |
3 |
3 |
Watcher |
Scimitars |
9,001-20,000 |
4 |
4 |
Duelist |
Broadswords |
20,001-40,000 |
5 |
5 |
Infiltrator |
Longswords |
40,001-90,000 |
6 |
6 |
Prime Infiltrator |
- |
90,001-150,000 |
7 |
7 |
Saboteur |
Bastard Swords |
150,001-300,000 |
8 |
8 |
Anti-Assassin |
- |
300,001-600,000 |
9 |
9 |
Anti-Assassin Lord |
Two-Handed Swords |
600,001-900,000 |
10 |
9+3* |
Anti-Assassin Lord |
- |
900,001-1,050,000** |
11 |
9+6 |
Anti-Assassin Lord |
- |
1,050,001-1,400,000 |
12 |
9+9 | Anti-Assassin Lord |
All |
**- Anti-Assassins must gain +350,000 experience points for every level after the 10th.
*** - The Concealable Weapons table is additive; meaning you will always be able to conceal weapons below your level.
In addition to these abilities, an Anti-Assassin gains several other traits as he or she gains levels.
At 8th level, the Anti-Assassin may seek out the secret languages known by others. If the character finds a suitable tutor, he can learn the alignment tongues known by others. This requires one month of fervent study under an instructor who speaks the tongue, or over a 1 year period by listening in on the conversations of those who speak the tongue to be learned. Only one alignment tongue may be learned at a time. The character may learn 1 extra alignment tongue for every point of intelligence over 14.
Anti-Assassins that have reached 9th level (Anti-Assassin Lord) can construct a smaller castle structure, roughly the size of a large keep if necessary, similarly to Thieves as a base of operations. This building is not exactly the home of a Thieves' Guild, though it's function is not so different. This structure will attract 1-12 1st level Anti-Assassins who will likely study under the character as some form of teacher, and will often accompany him or her on some future adventures. These become the character's "spies," and they will serve the character in building a network of information.
Anti-Assassins of 12th level or higher have their small castle (if one exists) become a center of intelligence, attracting spies and other characters who will serve the character. An Anti-Assassin of up to 6th level will join the character's ranks as a chief spy, while 4-16 Thieves will arrive at this building with the desire to serve the character as additional spies. From here a network of intelligence will be steadily gathered and maintained by the character and his or her chief spy.
-Guide to Anti-Assassin coming soon!-
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