The Time Wizard
A very long time ago, in a very different timeline, an aspiring spellcaster by the name of Dave the Sage discovered a single shard of a very strange and benign material. After extensive testing his findings were conclusive; he had discovered a fragment of time, manifested into an elemental form. He dedicated his life to the research of this strange shard, and discovered that he could use this strange material to gaze into the events of other timelines. In a fit of inspiration and joy he began a long study of quantum mechanics, searching for a way to use this strange tool he had found.
With the help of his colleagues, including Merlin the Arch-Wizard, he created a new class of elite Magic-User in order to combat the forces of evil that plagued his time, as well as offer assistance to the other nearby timelines. The Time Wizards were born, the first of an ancient sect of spellcaster which would dedicate itself to the destruction of the demons that roamed the land.
Another powerful Arch-Wizard had discovered this strange element as well, an evil mage who sought to collect all the available fragments of time. This wizard defeated Dave the Sage in a wizard's duel, seizing the time fragment for himself. He began hunting down the Time Wizards across time and space, eliminating all who stood in his way of becoming the sole time god.
Some time later, a young spellcaster by the name of Noonish Schrödinger rediscovered an ancient Time Wizard spellbook, and revealed it's lost secrets to the world.
The Time Wizard is a challenge of a class, both to play and to face. It is capable of both unbelievable power and functions under unbelievable pressure. Interacting with the timestream can be a force like no other, or a danger of multi-universal threat. All is at the fingertips of the Time Wizard, a class with the capacity to run the world from within his grasp, or to die, shattered across the multiverse. To play a Time Wizard, the character must be Human, Half-Elven, or Gnomish, and the character must have both an Intelligence and Wisdom of 15 or greater. If both of these stats are 20 or greater, the character is awarded an additional 10% experience. Time Wizards must also be some form of lawful or good in alignment.
Class Level Limitations:
Class Requirements
Humans: U
Intelligence: 15
Half-Elves: 8th Level
Wisdom: 15
Gnomes: 4th Level
Lawful Alignment
| |
Time Wizards are not very powerful without their spells, as they share the same proficiencies and skill progression as a normal Magic-User, and may employ the use the same magic items. However, there are certain advantages to being even a low-level Time Wizard. Time Wizards will always treat their own initiative at a +1 against other Time Wizards, and against Time Elementals. In addition, uncontrolled Time Elementals will not attack a Time Wizard who is good in alignment. Time Wizards will also age one year every two, at half the normal rate.
Time Wizards of 3rd level begin to age but once every five years, and Time Wizards of 6th level age once every ten years. In addition, beginning at 3rd level you become capable of reliably copying all Time Wizard spells you come across (and identify) into your spellbook. Note that a successful intelligence roll must first be made in order to copy a spell successfully, and as always, an roll must be made in order to learn the spell as seen under the intelligence table.
Time Wizards of 9th level stop aging entirely, and may make longevity potions from their own blood.
Time Wizards 18th level or higher will begin to age in reverse, and will require the use of magic or other spells to keep them at a livable age. Should a Time Wizard return to infancy, he or she will become unable to speak, and thus cast verbal spells. Should a Time Wizard reverse age much further, he or she will cease to exist, and die.
Some tables may render improperly on mobile.
Time Wizard Table 1
Experience Points
Experience Level
D4 Hit Dice
Level Title
White Pawn
Black Pawn
White Rook
Black Rook
White Knight
Black Knight
White Bishop
Black Bishop
White Second
Black Second
White Monarch
Black Monarch
White Unicorn
Black Unicorn
White Dragon
Black Dragon
White Wizard
Black Wizard
Time Master of Grey
* +375,000 experience per level after the 11th.** Time Wizards gain +1 h.p. for each level after the 10th.
Time Wizard Table 2
Time Wizard Level
Time Wizard Spell Level
Time Wizard Spell List
Any spells not listed here can be found within the AD&D Player's Handbook.
1st Level | 2nd Level | 3rd Level |
Ageguise | Augury | Clairaudience |
Detect Magic | Blink | Clairvoyance |
Disable | Danny's Terrifying Hand | Delay |
Feather Fall | Element of Glass | Dimension Blink |
Identify | ESP | Divination |
Message | Slow Poison | Fly |
Predict Weather | Locate Object | Haste |
Time Shield | Slow | Reset |
Time Skip | Spatial Strike | [] |
Time Stun | Time Healing | Timebank |
Timewave | Time Restoration | Time Capture I |
Ventriloquism | Time Save | Time Out |
| Weakened Aging |
4th Level
5th Level
6th Level
Advanced Time Save
Dimension Blast
Age Mind
Demonslayer's Watch
Dimension Door
Contact Other Plane
Extension III
Extension I
Distance Distortion
Horizontal Travel
Hold Person
Dimension Devastation
Legend Lore
Improved Slowness
Extension II
Regenerating Wall of Iron
Shield of Force
Regenerating Wall of Stone
Structural Aging
Time Capture II
Time capture III
Time Capture IV
Time Devastation
Vertical Travel
Word of Recall
Wall of Feathers
7th Level
8th Level
9th Level
Call to Arms
Astral Spell
Control Weather
Danny's Little Combo
Danny's Big Combo
Danny's Ultimate Combo
Diagonal Travel
Dimensional Portal
Danny's Deadly Hand
Dimensional Travel
Drawmiji's Instant Summons
Temporal Stasis
Limited Omniscience
Regenerating Wall of Force
Sands of Time
Reverse Gravity
Time Capture VII
Time Capture V
Improved Reset
Time Distortion
Time Stop
Touch of Ages
Time Capture VI
Wind Walk
Triagonal Travel
First Level Magic-User Spells
Time Wizard Spells
1st Level
Ageguise (Alteration) Level: 1
Range: 0" Casting Time: Special
Duration: 1 Day/Level Components: V,S
Area Of Effect: Personal Saving Throw: None
Description: Ageguise is a spell which temporarily increases the character's age into an elderly state. While in this state the character appears completely normal except in age, as this is not some form of illusion. Only a Detect Magic or similar spell would reveal that some form of disguise is at play, and even in such a case it would not reveal the nature of an Ageguise spell. While in this disguised state, the character will temporarily lose 3 points of strength, dexterity, and constitution. When the spell is over, the caster will revert back to his or her original state, in stats and in age.
Disable (Alteration) Level: 1
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 Segment
Duration: Instant Components: S,M
Area Of Effect: Creature Touched Saving Throw: None
Description: The Disable spell uses the Time Wizard's knowledge of quantum mechanics to render any area of living cells utterly useless. The creature touched suffers 3 hit points of damage, plus 1 for each level of the caster, after a "roll to hit" is successful. This spell cannot be used to deal more than damage in one event. Any creature suffering damage from this attack may not use the muscles affected by this spell until restored to maximum hit points. If this spell is used on the undead, or a similar instance of creature who does not require the use of muscles, the muscles are not disabled even though the damage is still taken. The material component of this spell is a small and narrow piece of ferrous metal, such as iron.
Time Shield (Conjuration/Summoning) Level: 1
Range: 3' + 1' /level Casting Time: 1 Segment
Duration: 2 Rounds + 2 Rounds/level Components: S
Area Of Effect: Same as Large Shield Saving Throw: None
Description: Time Shield conjures an invisible barrier of time magic that slows all that pass through it. The slowness is so tremendous that any creature who is protected by the shield has their armor class reduced by 1 point per point of dexterity the protected character possesses, against any attack that passes through the Time Shield. As long as the Time Shield never leaves the spell's 3' range, it may be rotated and moved however the Time Wizard sees fit.
Time Skip (Alteration) Level: 1
Range: 1" Casting Time: 1 Round
Duration: Instant Components: V,S
Area of Effect: 2" radius Saving Throw: None
Description: The Time Skip spell allows the Time Wizard and one other creature, plus one further creature per level, to be taken between the clicks of time, significantly increasing speed. For 1 segment +1 segment per level, a surprise round may be taken in combat. This means short spells may be cast, weapons prepared, and backstabs initiated, within this short window. Note that this spell will never grant more than 1 full round of surprise, and the Time Wizard may not cast another spell until the round ends.
Time Stun (Alteration) Level: 1
Range: 3"+1"/Level Casting Time: 1 Segment
Duration: Permanent Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 1" Saving Throw: Special
Description: The Time Wizard casts his magic in a form of similarity to the Sleep spell known by many Magic-Users. Unlike Sleep, however, the spell will not determine targets based off of hit dice, but instead off of age capacity. All creatures within range of the spell age 1 year immediately. Of course, all affected creatures will need to make a System Shock roll or be rendered unconscious for the standard duration.
Timewave (Alteration) Level: 1
Range: 3"+1"/Level Casting Time: 1 Segment
Duration: Instant Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 1" Radius Saving Throw: Special
Description: The caster uses a form of magic similar to Time Stun. This magic differs in the manner that it does not affect the cells of creatures. This spell will age all matter in it's area of effect by 2-12 years, causing potential decomposition. This also decomposes low level undead, and is likely to cause significant decomposition to undead in specific. All undead affected by this spell will take 1-10 damage without saving throw. This accelerated withering of the undead is similar to the withering from a Cleric's Turn Undead ability.
Ventriloquism (Illusion/Phantasm) Level: 1
Range: 1"/level, up to 6" Casting Time: 1 Segment
Duration: 2 Rounds, +1 Round/level Components: V,M
Area of Effect: One object Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell is identical to the 1st level Magic-User spell, Ventriloquism in all respects, except for that the Time Wizard must have been in the place where his or her voice is to be projected within one hour of casting the spell, with an additional hour of extra time for each level of the Time Wizard.
2nd Level
Danny's Terrifying Hand (Illusion/Phantasm) Level: 2
Range: 6" Casting Time: 2 Segments
Duration: 4 Rounds Components: V,S
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: Versus magic
Description: This spell causes the user to cast a blue beam of light which springs forth from the caster's hand, engulfing it's target. The target will become very uncomfortable, suffering from pain and nausea. If a saving throw is made, the target may resist the magic. Otherwise, no spells can be cast or concentrated upon, and the casters' voice will be amplified and eerie sounding for the duration of the spell. This altered voice allows the caster to influence the target, as if that target were under the effects of the Influencing proficiency.
Element of Glass (Alteration) Level: 2
Range: 1" Casting Time: 2 Segments
Duration: 3 Turns, + 1 Turn/level Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: None
Description: The invoked power of the Element of Glass used by this spell is highly dangerous, both for opponents and friends. This spell enhances a willing creature's senses, allowing him or her to perform acts of impossible strength. When this spell is cast upon a character, his or her strength and dexterity are both increased by 1-10. This is accomplished by the creature's body being entwined with the timestream, allowing for greatly enhanced movement and power. However, this comes at great cost to a creature. All damage taken by the creature, until the spell's end, is doubled. If the creature ever drops below 0 hit points while the spell is in effect, the creature is killed instantly, shattered like a pane of glass. This spell cannot be canceled by the caster, and will continue to function until either removed by a Dispel Magic spell, or by the alteration running it's course and fading on it's own. Note that due to the incredible strain this magic puts on the body of a recipient, a System Shock roll must be made in order for the creature to remain conscious. The material component of this spell is a small shard of clear cut glass.
Spatial Strike (Conjuration/Summoning) Level: 2
Range: 1"/Level Casting Time: 2 Segments
Duration: Instant Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 3' Horizontal Line Saving Throw: 1/2
Description: Spatial Strike is a spell that conjures a minor dimensional rift in order to cause harm. This small rift is a magical horizontal tear which causes 3-12 points of damage with saving throw. If the saving throw is not made, equipment and armor in the area of this spell's effect will be damaged. All equipment affected by this spell (if not rendered completely worthless) will be treated as a -3 piece of equipment until the end of this spell. Creatures who are reduced below 0 hit points by this spell will have their remnants scattered across dimensions, which could make resurrection difficult. The material component of this spell is a shard of black glass or any gemstone shard.
Time Healing (Alteration) Level: 2
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 Turn
Duration: 2 Turns/level Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: One Creature Saving Throw: None
Description: Time Healing allows the caster to send a single creature into a comatose state which allows for a sped up healing process. For each turn (10 minute period) in which the affected creature is in this state, 1 hit point may be regenerated. This spell may be dismissed at any time by the caster, and has no affect on the undead or creatures which do not heal through rest. This spell may only be cast on sleeping creatures. The material component of this spell is a single day's rations of any sort, which are consumed in casting the spell.
Time Restoration (Alteration) Level: 2
Range: Touch Casting Time: 2 Segments
Duration: 1 Round/level Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: One Creature Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell causes the recipient of this spell to be temporarily transported back to the state in which his or her body was in a number of rounds ago. This number is detailed in the spell's duration, meaning as a 3rd level caster would send someone's state back 3 rounds, and in 3 rounds that creature's state would return to before this spell was cast. Bringing someone's "state" back a few rounds means that if any damage was taken in between the present and past states of the target's body, that damage is removed until the spell ends. This goes up to the extent of the character's death being potentially reverted, though this level of shock will count as a resurrection, and thus reduce the target's Constitution by 1 point permanently. If a character was healed in that time, the healing is reverted until the spell ends as well. When this spell ends, all damage that was "healed" by this spell is dealt to the target of this spell at once. If the target was dead or poisoned when this spell was cast, that state is resumed as well. The material component of this spell is a small dial or stopwatch, and a small amount of sand, for consumption by the timestream.
Time Save (Alteration) Level: 2
Range: 0" Casting Time: 1 Turn
Duration: 2 Turns/level Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 2" Radius Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell is very similar in it's practice to the Magic-User spell, Rope Trick. It allows the Time Wizard, one other, and one additional creature per level of the Time Wizard to be taken between clicks of time into a Time Save. In between these clicks of time, characters may rest, recuperate spell slots, discuss plans, etc. However, any time spell cast within the Time Save is done so at great risk, as this could very easily tear the fabric of time. Creating multiple Time Saves in rapid succession is similarly dangerous. If such disaster occurs, all creatures within the Time Save, including the Time Wizard, will perish, shattered across time and space. The material component for this spell is sand, which is consumed by this spell's altering with the timestream.
Weakened Aging (Alteration) Level: 2
Range: 1" Casting Time: 2 Segments
Duration: 1 Round, +1 Round/level Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: 1/2
Description: This spell briefly casts a target through the timestream, temporarily rendering them to be old and weak. A target who fails the saving throw will be reduced in strength, dexterity, and constitution by 5 points until the spell's end. The material component of this spell is sand, which is consumed by the timestream.
3rd Level
Delay (Alteration) Reversable Level: 3
Range: 1" Casting Time: 3 Segments
Duration: 2 Rounds/level Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell entwines the recipient with the timestream to reinforce the target's body. This causes all damage dealt to the target to be dealt over time, allowing ample time to heal. Damage is dealt as 1/10th of the total damage, every round until all damage has been dealt. When the spell ends, all damage that has been stored is dealt to the target all at once. The reverse of this spell does not actually speed up damage in any way, instead, it spreads healing over a longer period of time, turning healing spells into a form of per-turn super regeneration. The material of this spell is small piece of copper.
Dimension Blink (Alteration) Level: 3
Range: 0 Casting Time: 3 Segments
Duration: 1-8 Rounds Components: V,S
Area of Effect: 1" Saving Throw: Versus magic
Description: Time Blink is a spell very similar to the Time Wizard's 2nd level Blink spell, except for that it will affect all creatures within the Area of Effect, and that those creatures will be "blinked" for the spells duration into this pocket dimension. The game resumes as normal, but continues within a pocket dimension of time. Nothing from the material plane can interact with the pocket dimension, until time resumes, when the pocket dimension merges with the material plane once more. with Those who are unwilling are allowed a saving throw versus magic, and should they fail, they will also be "blinked" into the future.
Reset (Alteration) Level: 3
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 Turn
Duration: Permanent Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: None
Description: The Reset spell is the first major time travel spell acquirable by the Time Wizard, allowing the caster to send one creature, including him/herself to the exact same moment in time, 1-10 years prior. One year may be added or subtracted for every level of the caster. This spell may only be cast upon a willing (or dead) recipient, and will send that target back to exactly the point it was where the destination was decided. This applies to all regards, including age, experience, proficiencies, possessions, in all ways aside from memory. The creature sent back will retain all memories it possessed when the spell was cast, meaning a character, (but only one) may be sent back in time to prevent some catastrophic event from occurring. It is worth noting that the recipient of this spell will be placed in an alternative timeline, where this character remembers everything that happened in the timeline he/she was originally from. This means that this event may not have any effect on the main timeline. The material component for this spell is a spool of golden thread.
Timebank (Alteration) Level: 3
Range: 5' Casting Time: 3 Segments
Duration: 3 Turns Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 5' Radius circle Saving Throw: none
Description: The magic of the Timebank spell allows for the caster to store any non-living matter within an extra-dimensional space that allows for storage, a storage in which time passes at 1/1000th of it's normal speed. The area of effect of this spell involves the size of the portal through which objects can be brought. This space is theoretically infinite in size, however can hold no more than 1,000 gold pieces of weight for each level of the caster. The material component of this spell is sand which is consumed by the spell, and a shard of glass.
Time Capture I (Enchantment/Charm) Reversable Level: 3
Range: 6" Casting Time: 3 Segments
Duration: 1 Day/level Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 1" Radius Saving Throw: 1/4
Description: The Time Capture spell, and all Time Captures hereafter, function in slight similarity to the Magic-User's Monster Summoning spells. The primary difference being that the Time Wizard will subdue and capture 1-8 first level (or lower) monsters, which will be stored in an extra-dimensional timespace. These creatures must either be willing to enter the capsule, or neutral towards the caster after failing a saving throw. Hostile creatures may not be captured, and neither can creatures with above animal intelligence. Creatures may be summoned either individually or simultaneously, taking 1-4 rounds to appear after the word is given. The command for the creatures to appear can be a full sentence, or as short as a single word chosen by the Time Wizard. Creatures are allowed an additional saving throw each time the spell ends, or whenever the spell is re-cast in order to reset the longevity of the capture duration. The material component of this spell is a small spheroid capsule, made from copper, tin, or any alloy featuring one of those metals. This capsule is necessary when the command for the creatures to appear is given, and should it be lost, the creatures held will be frozen in time until the spell's end, when the creatures will be freed. Note that this spell only applies to monsters, and may not be used to put a humanoid creature in stasis.
Time Out (Alteration) Level: 3
Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 Segment
Duration: 1 Segment/level Components: S
Area of Effect: Personal Saving Throw: None
Description: The Time Out spell allows the Time Wizard and one other creature, plus one further creature per level, to be taken between the ticks of the time clock, allowing for characters to act. For 1 segment +1 segment per level, a free round may be taken in combat. This means short spells may be cast, weapons prepared, and backstabs initiated, within this short window. Note that this spell will never grant more than 1 full round of surprise.
4th Level
Age (Alteration) Reversable Level: 4
Range: 3" Casting Time: 4 Segments
Duration: Permanent Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 4"x4" radius, 1 creature/level Saving Throw: Neg.
Description: The power of the Age spell can cause creatures to age rapidly with every passing round, likely causing permanent and irreversible damage to the target. Targets of this spell will age up to 5 years each round, unless the target is unwilling to receive the spell. Then, a saving throw is made. A saving throw will be made once each round as the spell continues, which may continue for 1 round for each level of the caster, as long as perfect concentration is maintained. The aging may stop at any time of the caster's choosing. The reverse of this spell, Youth, functions exactly the same except it causes reverse aging. Note that a creature willingly affected by the Youth spell need not make a saving throw to resist the magic. The material component of this spell is sand, in some form of hourglass device.
Dimension Blast (Alteration) Level: 4
Range: 2"/Level Casting Time: 4 Segments
Duration: Instantaneous Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 2" Radius Sphere Saving Throw: Special
Description: This spell rends apart physical matter throughout the area of effect by transporting fragments of physical substance across the dimensions. Physical objects will lose structural integrity and will crumble, (magical items will save vs. Disintegrate,) and targets will suffer 1-6 points of damage for each level of the caster, without saving throw. Note that a successful intelligence roll must be made in order to properly execute this spell. If this roll is failed, matter, which may potentially be living matter, from the other dimensions may instead be brought into the dimension where this spell was cast. This could be !!fun!! The material component of this spell is a orb of crystal clear glass.
Extension I (Alteration) Level: 4
Range: 0 Casting Time: 2 Segments
Duration: Special Components: V,M
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell is functionally identical to the 4th level Magic-User spell by the same name. The only difference, other than what is listed above, is that this spell may be used on any spell with a duration cast by others, not just spells cast by a Magic-User. The material component of this spell is sand, which is consumed by using the spell.
Improved Slowness (Alteration) Level: 4
Range: 3" Casting Time: 4 Segments
Duration: 1 Turn/Level Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: One Creature Saving Throw: Neg.
Description: This spell is similar to the 3rd level Magic-User spell, Slow, except as noted above. The creature which fails a saving throw against this spell will be unable to function at any speed faster than 1/100th (1%) of normal speed. The material component of this spell is an hourglass made from any magnetic metal, filled with sand.
Retrospect (Divination) Level: 4
Range: 0 Casting Time: Special
Duration: Special Components: S,M
Area of Effect: Personal Saving Throw: None
Description: The Retrospect spell allows the caster to explore possible futures. Each retrospect takes 1 round of time, during which the caster enters a trance like state. When a retrospect is used, the characters will appear to continue 1 round into the future for each level of the caster. The Time Wizard will function as if in a dream, seeming to continue until the time allotted has run it's course. During this time, should the caster die from within the retrospect, he or she will be brought back from within the trance. Any information gained from the retrospect will be accurate, as long as the same actions are taken. There is however a 10% chance of inaccurate data being gained from this spell for every level of the caster under 10th. The chance of this spell's failure is decreased by 1% per level of the caster. The caster has multiple retrospects each casting of the spell, one for every 3 levels of the caster. This means at 7th level, you have 2 retropsects. At 9th, you have 3, at 12th, 4, etc. An example of this spell being used is as follows. A 7th level Time Wizard and his party encounter 3 different doors, deep within a dungeon. The Time Wizard casts the Retrospect spell. One of his retrospects is spent on the leftmost door, which he finds has a hydra on the inside. The DM runs the encounter with the hydra for the remaining retrospect time, after which the retrospect comes to an end. The second retrospect is used on the middle door, which shows safe passage into the treasure room. The Time Wizard ends the retrospect, and the party continues safely through the middle door.
The material components of this spell are sand, which is consumed by the timestream, glass, and a small mirror.
Structural Aging (Alteration) Level: 4
Range: 6" Casting Time: 4 Segments
Duration: Permanent Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 2" Radius Saving Throw: Special
Description: The Structural Aging spell crumbles and rots any constructions within the spell's area of effect. This spell inflicts an eight-sided die of structural damage to every wall or similar construction for every level of the caster. Any magical construction, or a Regenerating Wall of Stone, Regenerating Wall of Iron, or similar object is allowed a saving throw versus Disintegrate. The material component of this spell is a pinch of sulfur, mixed with sand. Both materials are consumed by the spell.
Time Capture II (Enchantment/Charm) Reversable Level: 4
Range: 6" Casting Time: 4 Segments
Duration: 1 Day/level Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 1" Radius Saving Throw: 1/4
Description: This spell is functionally identical to the 3rd level Time Capture I spell only that 1-6 second level monsters can be captured and subdued as opposed to 1-8 first level monsters. A 1-4 round delay can be expected. The material component of this spell is a small spheroid capsule made of bronze, or an alloy featuring bronze, with the same functionality as Time Capture I.
Timeline (Divination) Level: 4
Range: Special Casting Time: Special
Duration: Special Components: None
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
Description: The Timeline spell allows the caster to view the past or history of an item or place. There are three choices of location. In line of sight from where the caster stands, he or she may look back:
Up to:
To Get:
1 Year/Level
General Information
1 Month/Level
Specific Information
1 Day/Level
Exacting Information
The caster is capable of seeing the events that pass by him or her at an incredible rate, and is capable of viewing the events if a successful intelligence roll is made. This roll is modified as follows: With general information, this roll is made with a penalty of 10. With specific information, this is made with a penalty of 5. With exacting information, this is made with a bonus of 5. Looking back in time requires 1 turn for every year/month/day scanned. For an object, detailed information can be gathered about owners, creators, or events relating to that object and it's creation. While the caster is concentrating on this spell, he or she has entered a trance which may be ended prematurely by being stricken, or shaken by an outside force, or any force that disrupts concentration.
5th Level
Advanced Time Save (Alteration) Level: 5
Range: 0 Casting Time: 2 Turns
Duration: 2 Turns/Level Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 2" Saving Throw: Special
Description: The caster of the Advanced Time Save will effectively warp time around the group, taking 2 people in addition to the caster of the spell for every 2 levels of the caster. In this "time warp," time seems to slow to a stop for all creatures in the Advanced Time Save. In addition to the normal advantages of the Time Save spell, this spell has additional benefits when compared to the 2nd level variant. Firstly, although no spells which involve stopping time may be cast, other spells may be cast as normal. Attacking a creature which is outside the Time Save will cause the Time Save to end, but while time accelerates up to it's normal rate characters can make actions as if 1 round were 1 segment. Certain Time Wizard spells will have additional advantages when cast inside the Advanced Time Save.
Timeline: Allows exacting information for 1 Year/Level.
Dimension Blast: Quadruples Area of Effect.
Timesight: Range of years is unlimited.
Teleport: Teleport without error.
The material component of this spell is a lot more sand.
Age Mind (Alteration) Level: 5
Range: 1"/Level Casting Time: 5 Segments
Duration: Permanent Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: 1/2
Description: The power of Age Mind allows the caster to wide out a creature's mind by aging it past senility and into oblivion. If the saving throw is not made, the creature will be reduced to that of a mental vegetable. These effects can only be removed by a Youth spell, Restoration, Rejuvenation, or Wish. While in this mental vegetable state, the creature cannot obey even simple commands unless influenced under a charm spell, suggestion, or similar magic. Even in this circumstance, only basic commands can be followed. The adjustments for saving throws by this spell are as follows. Note that "Mental score" refers to the combined total of both the creature's intelligence and wisdom.
Creature is Elven:
+3 on Saving Throw
Creature is Dwarven:
+1 on Saving Throw
Mental score of 30 or more:
+2 on Saving Throw
Creature is a Mental Mage:
+2 on Saving Throw
Creature is Psionic:
-3 on Saving Throw
The material component of this spell is a small fragment of lead.
Distance Distortion (Alteration) Level: 5
Range: 1"/Level Casting Time: 5 Segments
Duration: 1 Turn/Level Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 100" Per level Saving Throw: None
Description: Except as noted above, this spell is very similar to the 5th level Magic-User spell, Distance Distortion. The primary difference is that no Earth Elemental is required for the use of this spell, as the Time Wizard is more than capable of accomplishing the task.
Dimension Devastation (Alteration) Level: 5
Range: 10" +1/Level Casting Time: 5 Segments
Duration: Instantaneous Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 3" Radius Saving Throw: Vs. Magic
Description: This spell causes the barriers between dimensions to be so heavily damaged, that for an instant they will cease to function. The spell allows for all creatures to make a saving throw against magic in order to avoid the affected minds and bodies being scattered across dimensions. Affected body parts will return to their host creatures in 1-4 weeks of time. Any mind which returns to it's creature will always return insane, and the limbs which return to the creature will always return deformed and twisted. Percentile dice will be rolled to determine the effects of the spell. If a 1 is rolled on the percentile dice, a creature from another dimension will be summoned.
Mind Only
Mind and One Limb
Mind and Two Limbs
Mind and Three Limbs
Mind and All Limbs
Creature sent to different dimension
The material component of this spell is a clear cut orb made from some type of gemstone, and a mirror.
Shield of Force (Abjuration/Evocation) Level: 5
Range: 2" Casting Time: 5 Segments
Duration: 1 Turn +3 Rounds/Level Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell conjures a Shield of Force (a 7' x 5' curved surface) This invisible shield is identical to a wall of force, except that it can be moved by the caster within the spell's range. It is capable of stopping ALL attacks that originate from the direction in which the shield is pointed. The shield is capable of protecting up to 3 creatures. This shield may be maneuvered however the caster sees fit, but it must be concentrated on whenever it is being moved. The material component of this spell is powdered diamond dust, which is consumed by the spell.
Time Capture III (Enchantment/Charm) Reversable Level: 5
Range: 6" Casting Time: 5 Segments
Duration: 1 Day/level Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 1" Radius Saving Throw: 1/4
Description: This spell is functionally identical to the 3rd level Time Capture I spell only that 1-4 third level monsters can be captured and subdued as opposed to 1-8 first level monsters. A 1-4 round delay can be expected. The material component of this spell is a small spheroid capsule made of tin, or an alloy featuring tin, with the same functionality as Time Capture I.
Timeseal (Abjuration/Evocation) Level: 5
Range: 0 Casting Time: 5 Segments
Duration: Special Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 30" Radius Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell designates a large area in which time will be temporarily stopped. This area is completely sealed off from the outside world, and nothing short of a Vertical Travel spell or Wish can allow creatures to enter or exit the spell once the spell is cast. Upon casting the spell, the Time Wizard must designate any number of creatures (which always includes the caster) with 2 or more hit dice to be sealed in the Timeseal. The sealed area in question appears as a zone devoid of color for all who are sealed off, though it appears as normal for all other creatures nearby. The only difference is that the creatures who are "sealed off" will appear to vanish to all non-sealed creatures nearby. Once the area is sealed, the spell will never be broken nor will it end until all creatures on one side of combat are slain. This will force a battle to ensue, as creatures cannot leave the sealed area until all opponents are dead. In order to cast this spell, the caster must shatter an orb which is not less than 1' in diameter, made entirely from clear glass or gemstone.
Vertical Travel (Alteration) Level: 5
Range: 1" Casting Time: Special
Duration: Special Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 1 Creature +1/Level Saving Throw: Special
Description: This spell is a time travel spell, which travels the creature through dimensions rather than time. More specifically, this spell allows the caster to bring himself, plus 1 creature per level of the caster through the timelines, on a vertical level. Vertical Travel allows the caster to move 2 days of travel per round on the North/South axis, or 1 timeline through dimensions per round. This spell can be used to return to a more prominent timeline after successfully time travelling into the past. (This would be done by means of Horizontal Travel, which would create a new timeline wherever the caster lands.) Note that the creatures travelling through timelines will still be in the same physical location as before, and cannot pass through solid objects that appear in different timelines. If the group would run into a solid object in another timeline will travelling, the spell will simply place the group in the timeline before the collision. This could place the party in an unfavorable spot. Note also that the caster must maintain perfect concentration while time travelling, as to not place the party in a wildly unexpected destination. Creatures who do not wish to time travel are allowed a saving throw versus magic. The material component of this spell is 1 cubic foot of perfectly clear water, contained in a bottle made from pure, clear cut glass or gemstone. The water is consumed by the spell, while the bottle is not.
Wall of Feathers (Conjuration/Summoning) Level: 5
Range: 1/2" / Level Casting Time: 5 Segments
Duration: 2 Rounds/Level Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: 1/2
Description: This spell creates a billowing wall of feathers which heavily obscures vision. Any non-living object passing through the wall, as well as spells such as Magic Missile and Lightning Bolt, will cause the feathers to multiply. Creatures passing through the wall must make a saving throw or be transformed into a chicken for the spell's duration (See Polymorph Other). Creatures who fail their saving throw will also have all their items turned to feathers, including clothing, until the spell ends. The size of the Wall of Feathers in question is a 10 by10 foot square per level of the caster. The material component of this spell is a kilogram of steel for every 10 by 10 foot square of feathers. Note that the actual number of feathers conjured by the spell amounts to a kilogram worth.
6th Level
Deincarnation (Alteration) Level: 6
Range: Touch Casting Time: 6 Segments
Duration: 3 Rounds (Permanent) Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: Creature Touched Saving Throw: Versus Magic
Description: This spell will "deincarnate" and consequently slay any creature which has been reincarnated. This process takes 3 rounds of time. The component of this spell is any DNA sample of the creature's original type of form.
Demonslayer's Watch (Alteration) Level: 6
Range: Special Casting Time: 6 Rounds
Duration: Time of concentration Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: Single creature or area Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell allows the caster to examine directly the actions of any known character or location, similar to a crystal ball. Range is not a factor of the spell, as even other planes of existence, or even other timelines can be observed if the caster is familiar with the specific location or creature in the plane or timeline to be viewed. The caster must be resting and concentrating for a turn for each turn spent in observation. The caster of this spell may also view the past actions of the target creature or the past of the area, up to 1 day in the past per level. The material component of this spell is a small, platinum mirror.
Horizontal Travel (Alteration) Level: 6
Range: 1" Casting Time: Special
Duration: Special Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 1 Creature +1/Level Saving Throw: Special
Description: This spell is similar to the Vertical Travel spell, except that the type of travel accomplished by the spell is done through time, not timelines. This spell is a time travel spell which allows the caster and other creatures as specified in the spell's Area of Effect to be brought horizontally across the timeline. This means directly though the time itself of the timeline in which the caster is currently. By means of this spell, the Time Wizard may travel back and forth through time. This may move the caster into the past. Future travel is slightly more complicated, as the present where the caster is has no written future. To travel into the future, the Horizontal Travel spell allows the merging into a single timeline, specifically 1 timeline north or south of the timeline the Time Wizard is in. When travelling this way, no past travel is possible, and the caster is required to stop before or at the point at which the present is in that timeline. If the Time Wizard and those he or she would bring through time should arrive in the past of any timeline, a new timeline will be cloned in which the present is where the caster suddenly materializes. The past of this timeline does not exist, however it's history functions exactly the same as it did in the original timeline. If this spell should be used to maneuver through space and not time, the caster may move 2 days of travel per turn, but only along the West/East axis. The caster may travel 1 month/turn when travelling through time by this spell. Note that the creatures travelling through time will still be in the same physical location as before, and cannot pass through solid objects that appear in different moments. If the group would run into a solid object in another time will travelling, the spell will simply place the group in the month before the collision. This could place the party in an unfavorable spot. This spell has a chance of failure as well, a cumulative 10% chance of failing for every year (not month) of travel the Time Wizard decides to travel through. For instance, travelling 3 or more years into the past would result in a 30% chance of spell failure. If the spell should fail, transported creatures will be placed in a "random" month anywhere along the distance through time which was travelled. This "random" location will always be the least favorable location as chosen by the DM. Note also that the caster must maintain perfect concentration while time travelling, as to not place the party in a wildly unexpected destination. Creatures who do not wish to time travel are allowed a saving throw versus magic. As specification, the cater may not travel through space, meaning over the land in the world, while moving through time. One or the other must be chosen at the time of casting the spell. Thus, a group may move across land with great speed, or move through time. The material component of this spell is 1 cubic foot of perfectly clear water, contained in a bottle made from pure, clear cut glass or gemstone. The water is consumed by the spell, while the bottle is not. Sand is also required.
Regenerating Wall of Iron (Alteration) Level: 6
Range: 1"/Level Casting Time: 6 Segments
Duration: Permanent Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Description: Regenerating Wall of Iron is not it's own spell, but simply alters any Wall of Iron previously created. The spell will effect 30 square feet/level in area. If part of the effected area is penetrated or destroyed, it will regenerate at the speed of 30 square feet per segment. Dispel Magic affects only the magic properties of regeneration, and does not destroy the wall. This spell can be cast upon any magically or materially created wall made of iron. The component of this spell is a small piece of iron, and a pinch of sand.
Regenerating Wall of Stone (Alteration) Level: 6
Range: 1"/Level Casting Time: 6 Segments
Duration: Permanent Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell is similar to Regenerating Wall of Iron. The primary difference of the spell is that it affects walls made of stone, not iron. The area of effect of this spell is 40 square feet/level. When the wall is penetrated or destroyed, it will regenerate at the speed of 40 square feet per segment. Dispel Magic only affects the magic properties of regeneration, and does not destroy the wall. This spell can be cast upon any magically or materially created wall made of stone. The material component of this spell is a small piece of chalk, limestone, or dolomite.
Rejuvination (Alteration) Level: 6
Range: 1"/Level Casting Time: 1 Turn
Duration: Permanent Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: One Creature Saving Throw: None
Description: By means of this spell, the caster may restore a creatures physical form, with regard to age, disease, scars, and wounds, but not death. Thus, a 112 year old human who is crippled, scarred, and diseased could be restored to a physical health of 20 years. The creature restored will always return to whatever is considered prime age, and will regenerate any lost limbs, restore health from disease, etc. The body of the creature will be essentially the same as it was when the creature was that age, although memories, experience, and other traits will be kept. This spell cannot be used to restore age, as a creature reduced to an age of 8 will not be restored to prime age. The material component of this spell is a drop of a 9th level or higher Time Wizard's blood.
Time Capture IV (Enchantment/Charm) Reversable Level: 6
Range: 6" Casting Time: 6 Segments
Duration: 1 Day/level Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 1" Radius Saving Throw: 1/4
Description: This spell is functionally identical to the 3rd level Time Capture I spell only that 1-3 fourth level monsters can be captured and subdued as opposed to 1-8 first level monsters. A 1-3 round delay can be expected. The material component of this spell is a small spheroid capsule made of iron, or an alloy featuring iron, with the same functionality as Time Capture I.
Time Devastation (Alteration) Level: 6
Range: 1" Casting Time: 6 Segments
Duration: Instantaneous Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: One Creature Saving Throw: Versus Death
Description: This spell is an incredibly powerful spell which can instantly kill almost any creature. It is identical to the 6th level Death Spell usable by Magic-Users, except that the creature instantly withers and rots away by it being cast into the timestream. If the saving throw is failed, and the creature's life expectancy is less than 1000 years, the creature dies. The material component of this spell is a crap ton of sand.
7th Level
Call to Arms (Conjuration/Summoning) Level: 7
Range: 1" Casting Time: 7 Segments
Duration: Special Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell allows the caster to summon the other versions of himself or herself present in other timelines. Any other timelines (within a range of 10 different timelines) which have a version of the caster will automatically be notified, and each version of the caster can answer the Time Wizard's call for help. Only versions of the caster which are capable of some form of timeline (or in some cases dimensional) travel can respond to this spell, however as long as the caster has used this spell as a summons, the other versions of the character are capable of answering his/her call for aid regardless of distance. For each version of the character in other timelines, there is a 30% chance of response. This simulates the other versions of the character likely being preoccupied with their own business. Versions of the character who have actually been met, and whom the Time Wizard in question has actually interacted with may be much more likely to answer the Call to Arms depending on how the interaction went. The other Time Wizards summoned by this spell will arrive within the round, and will remain at the character's aid until whatever they have been summoned for no longer requires their presence. The material component of this spell is sand, 20 gold pieces worth of weight is consumed for each character summoned. A perfectly clear cut glass or gemstone orb is also required.
Danny's Little Combo (Alteration) Level: 7
Range: Special Casting Time: Special
Duration: Special Components: Special
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
Description: This spell allows the casting of two spells simultaneously. The casting time will always be the exact casting time of the longest spell cast using this spell.
Diagonal Travel (Alteration) Level: 7
Range: 1" Casting Time: Special
Duration: Special Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 1 Creature +1/Level Saving Throw: Special
Description: The magic of Diagonal Travel is similar to the time travelling capability granted by both Vertical Travel and Horizontal Travel. All restrictions as seen with those spells will apply with Diagonal Travel as well, with a few major exceptions. This spell allows for the caster to bring the party across both the horizontal and vertical axis simultaneously, allowing transport through any 2 dimensions at once. Firstly, the caster may decide to travel through time and space. This may be accomplished by moving backwards (or forwards in rare circumstances) through time, while simultaneously moving in 2 days of travel in the physical realm as well. The only restriction on the physical travel in this instance is that the caster must move directly along the North/South or West/East axis. In addition to this time/space travel, timeline/space travel is also possible. This functions exactly the same with the exception of travelling vertically along the timelines instead of forwards/backwards through time. In addition, time/timeline travel is also possible, meaning the character is capable of transport 1 month in the past per turn of concentration, while simultaneously moving through timelines. Note that the caster may not travel through or past an obstructed area while travelling by means of this spell, and cannot cross over an area in a timeline where there is not a moment that is to be travelled across. In addition to the greater freedom of movement, this spell possesses offensive capabilities as well. When the Time Wizard would bring the party into a space occupied by living creatures, a full reaction of 1 round is possible before resuming functionality in the timestream. Unlike Horizontal Travel, this spell has a 5% cumulative chance of failure for each year (not month) travelled. This is in contrast to Horizontal Travel's 10% chance. Note that time or space travel is not possible if the caster is obstructed by something in the physical world while travelling. The material component of this spell is 1 cubic foot of perfectly clear water, contained in a bottle made from pure, clear cut glass or gemstone. The water is consumed by the spell, while the bottle is not. A crap ton of sand is also required, along with an ivory figurine featuring the headpiece of an archbishop.
Dimension Travel (Alteration) Level: 7
Range: 1" Casting Time: 7 Segments
Duration: Instantaneous Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 1 Creature/2 Levels Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell is identical to the 5th level Cleric spell, Plane Shift. It allows the travel between dimensions without error, and can also be used as a Teleport without the chance of failure. This spell may also be used for travel between timelines, with a 5% chance of failure for each timeline in-between the caster and his or her destination. The material component of this spell is small toy boat, and a perfectly clear cut glass or gemstone orb.
Regenerating Wall of Force (Alteration) Level: 7
Range: 1"/Level Casting Time: 7 Segments
Duration: Permanent Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 40 square feet / Level Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell is similar to the 6th level Regenerating Wall of Stone and Regenerating Wall of Iron spells. The differences lie in the actual wall itself, being a Magic-User's wall of force that regenerates in the surface area of 40 square feet. Unlike the other regenerating walls, this spell conjures a Wall of Force similar to the Magic-User spell. The material component of this spell is a crushed and powdered diamond worth no less than 1000 gold pieces.
Time Capture V (Enchantment/Charm) Reversable Level: 7
Range: 6" Casting Time: 7 Segments
Duration: 1 Day/level Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 1" Radius Saving Throw: 1/4
Description: This spell is functionally identical to the 3rd level Time Capture I spell only that 1-2 fifth level monsters can be captured and subdued as opposed to 1-8 first level monsters. A 1-3 round delay can be expected. The material component of this spell is a small spheroid capsule made of silver, or an alloy featuring silver, with the same functionality as Time Capture I.
Time Distortion (Alteration) Level: 7
Range: 0 Casting Time: 7 Segments
Duration: Permanent Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell allows the caster to influence the immediately available history of the world. The altering of time is similar to that of a Retrospect spell, only that this spell does not require casting prior to a problematic event. By means of this spell, the flow of time may be undone, changing the outcome of recent events. This spell sends the caster back up to 1 Turn/Level into the past, altering the timeline in which the caster currently is in. When this is done, the caster will effectively be placed back in time, allowing for the caster to alter events directly. If the caster wishes to go back in time less than the prescribed 1 Turn/Level, an Intelligence roll must be made. The placement of time will be exactly as the caster wishes, beginning at 100% accuracy. For each point above the roll, an additional 10% inaccuracy is added to the exact time at which the caster will arrive. The rest of the caster's party absolutely must function as if they had no knowledge of the future, only the Time Wizard's suggestions. You guessed it, we need more sand.
Touch of Ages (Alteration) Level: 7
Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 Round
Duration: 1 Segment/3 Levels Components: S,M
Area of Effect: Creature Touched Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell causes the hands of the Time Wizard to grow with brightness and ferocity. Anything touched by the hands of the caster will be turned to dust at the rate of 1 cubic foot each segment, including living creatures, undead, structures, and even equipment and clothing. This is similar to the evil Cleric spell, Destruction. A "roll to hit" must be made in order to successfully touch a creature. Larger creature's can react to this, should they survive the first instance of damage, will likely move away from the caster. The material component of this spell is a cubic foot of sand for each cubic foot of destroyed material. This sand must be on the person of the caster when the spell is cast.
8th Level
Danny's Big Combo (Alteration) Level: 8
Range: Special Casting Time: Special
Duration: Special Components: Special
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
Description: This spell allows the casting of three spells simultaneously. The casting time will always be the exact casting time of the longest spell cast using this spell. This spell is identical to Danny's Little Combo.
Dimensional Portal (Conjuration/Summoning) Level: 8
Range: 2" Casting Time: 3 Turns
Duration: Permanent Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 10 feet square feet per level Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell allows the caster to conjure a permanent, extra dimensional doorway from any one place to another. Distance, dimension, plane of existence, and timelines are irrelevant to how far apart these connected gates can be places. The caster may choose to make this door function as a method of travel inbetween two timelines, or as a one-way door. This gate cannot be seen, and is nearly impossible to find (20 under required on intelligence roll) unless the caster places this gate on an actual doorframe or similar structure. When creating this gate between timelines, note that the character must have at one point travelled to the precise location at which the gate is to be created. In all other cases, the caster need only know of the location's existence. The exit to the portal might not be in the exact location expected, and will function as a Teleport when the caster has not visited the exact destination. If the area is very familiar, there is no chance of failure. In all other respects, the teleport table will be consulted as normal. Note that when this spell's destination is in another plane or dimension, the owner of that location may be displeased with the invasion of privacy and may visit the caster. The material component of this spell is a large, crystal clear diamond worth no less than 10,000 gold pieces, and a ivory figurine of a gate, both of which are destroyed in the casting of this spell.
History (Divination) Level: 8
Range: 0 Casting Time: Special
Duration: Special Components: M
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
Description: By means of this spell the Time Wizard can divine any historical information. Depending on the complexity of the information, this spell may only take a segment to cast, or it could take as long as a month. During a period as long as a month, the caster must rest and eat as normal. The casting of this spell allows the knowledge of any historical event, similar to the timeline spell. There is no restriction on this spell however, as this spell can bring knowledge from any event throughout the world's history, even in other timelines. The material component of this spell is a surface of perfectly clear water in which the vision will appear to the caster. Other senses such as noise and smell will be replaced with the appropriate senses depending on the event or answer to a question to be observed.
Improved Reset (Necromantic) Level: 8
Range: 0 Casting Time: 1-8 Days
Duration: Special Components: M
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
Description: This spell allows the Time Wizard to select a new body for the character's soul to reside in after death. The Time Wizard will always take the next form as whatever race he or she currently is, but the stats of the character may not be the same. New stats must be rolled for this new body, though intelligence and wisdom will be ignored. This new form will have the same intelligence and wisdom as the Time Wizard, though any other abilities may be different. This new body will be born at the time of casting the spell, and will have a vacant soul until the Time Wizard is ready to inhabit the new body. If the new body dies before the Time Wizard chooses to reside in it, the Time Wizard will not be notified and may truly perish if death occurs. If the Time Wizard should die or choose to inhabit the new body before the body has learned the ability of speech, usually around 1 year old for a character who knows how to speak but hasn't grown to the point of an agile tongue, the caster will not be considered a Time Wizard again until the ability of speech is gained, and thus the Time Wizard is capable of casting spells again. The Time Wizard will regain all the experience points originally possessed at this point, and will become as powerful of a Time Wizard as before. Obviously no possessions carry over, so the Time Wizard will have to relocate his or her spellbook in order to cast spells. The character will still remember whatever spells were prepared at the time of death. As normal, the process of returning to life will drain one point of the caster's constitution permanently. The material component for this spell will be a form of doll made of flesh and clay, placed in water worth no less than 1,000 gold pieces.
Permanency (Alteration) Level: 8
Range: Special Casting Time: 2 Rounds
Duration: Permanent Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Description: This spell functions as the 8th level Magic-User spell, Permanency. The difference is that this spell can be cast on any spell with a duration. The duration of those spells becomes permanent, lasting until those spells are destroyed by a Dispel Magic or similar affect. A point of the caster's constitution will be drained until that spell no longer functions. The material component of this spell is a small clock made entirely of platinum, which is consumed by the spell. Sand is also required, to nobody's surprise.
Time Capture VI (Enchantment/Charm) Reversable Level: 8
Range: 6" Casting Time: 8 Segments
Duration: 1 Day/level Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 1" Radius Saving Throw: 1/4
Description: This spell is functionally identical to the 3rd level Time Capture I spell only that 1-2 sixth level monsters can be captured and subdued as opposed to 1-8 first level monsters. A 1-3 round delay can be expected. The material component of this spell is a small spheroid capsule made of gold, or an alloy featuring gold, with the same functionality as Time Capture I.
Triagonal Travel (Alteration) Level: 8
Range: 1" Casting Time: Special
Duration: Special Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 1 Creature +1/Level Saving Throw: Special
Description: This spell is another time travel spell, similar to Diagonal Travel. While that spell allows the caster movement across time in 2 dimensions at once, this spell allows for time travel in up to 3 dimensions at once. This could be backwards in time, while simultaneously moving both north/south AND west/east on the timeline spectrum. Obviously this allows for some very complicated time travels, so it is more encouraged that the player get creative with different travel methods. In addition to the previously stated time travel options, this spell allows for travel through planes of existence as well. Planes of existence may be travelled as a third temporal dimension, alongside time and timelines. There is a 5% chance of spell failure for each plane of existence travelled, though there is never a chance of failure when travelling through time or timelines. As with Diagonal Travel, this spell will allow the group who is transported through time 1 Round of reaction once the travel is finished. Naturally, the space that the caster is in while time travelling must always be unoccupied, as the caster cannot travel through an occupied space. If there are creatures in the space in which the caster will arrive, those creatures may be attacked in the 1 Round of reaction before time fully resumes. When this spell is used to travel across land, 3 dimensions may be used in travel. This can be the north/south axis, west/east axis, and the up/down axis. In addition to this, any of these three dimensions when used through time travel can be used in combination with time, timeline, or planar travel. The material component of this spell is a perfectly clear crystalline bottle, containing perfectly clear water. The water is consumed by the spell, while the bottle is not. An ivory figurine of a unicorn is required. Guess what, you need even more sand!
First Level Magic-User Spells Level: 8
Range: * Casting Time: *
Duration: * Components: *
Area of Effect: * Saving Throw: *
* = As spell taken
Description: When this spell is taken by the Time Wizard, 4 Magic-User spells of 1st level may be taken. For every level after this spell is taken, a new 1st level spell may be chosen. 1st level Magic-User spells include every spell as a 1st level Magic-User spell, although the Write spell may never be taken. Unlike the variant of this spell known by Illusionists, this spell allows the caster to immediately learn the spells selected. 1st level spells gained from increasing in level are not gained immediately, and must be found in the world.
9th Level
Danny's Ultimate Combo (Alteration) Level: 8
Range: Special Casting Time: Special
Duration: Special Components: Special
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
Description: This spell is similar to Danny's Big Combo except that any number of spells can be cast simultaneously, equal to the caster's intelligence. For every spell cast after the third, the caster will lose 1 point of constitution. Constitution spent by this spell will be regained at the rate of 1 point per day while resting. If the caster goes below 0, he will be rendered unconscious until constitution is fully regained. Constitution must fully be recovered before another spell may be cast. The casting time of this spell is equal to the one with the longest duration.
Danny's Deadly Hand (Illusion/Phantasm) Level: 9
Range: 6" Casting Time: 9 Segments
Duration: 4 Rounds Components: V,S
Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: Versus magic
Description: This spell is identical to Danny's Terrifying Hand, except that the creature is slain at the end of the spell's duration.
Limited Omniscience (Divination) Level: 9
Range: Special Casting Time: Special
Duration: Special Components: Special
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
Description: By means of this spell, the Time Wizard can find the answer to any question. Your referee must attempt to answer this question to the best of his or her ability. This question does not need to be a yes or no question. After this spell is cast, the caster must rest for a full week, ages 3 years instantly, and cannot cast spells or participate in any strenuous activity during this time.
Sands of Time (Alteration) Level: 9
Range: Special Casting Time: Special
Duration: 2 Rounds/Level Components: Special
Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
Description: By means of this spell, the Time Wizard can directly influence and even control the flow of time. All creatures or objects within 1" per level of the Time Wizard may be aged or youthed as much as the caster desires, up to 100 years each round, without saving throw. Any creature within 1" of the Time Wizard must make a saving throw or be cast into the timestream, and lost there. This effect applies to all creatures, friend or foe. The caster gains a 50% magic resistance, and is allowed to freely cast any time spell of 7th level or lower, once each round. The components of this spell are equal to the components required for each spell cast using the Sands of Time spell. This spell also requires a LOT of sand.
Time Capture VII (Enchantment/Charm) Reversable Level: 9
Range: 6" Casting Time: 9 Segments
Duration: 1 Day/level Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 1" Radius Saving Throw: 1/4
Description: This spell is functionally identical to the 3rd level Time Capture I spell only that 1-2 seventh level monsters can be captured and subdued as opposed to 1-8 first level monsters. A 1 round delay can be expected. Optionally, a single 8th level monster may be captured instead. A 2 round delay can be expected for summoning this creature. The material component of this spell is a small spheroid capsule made of solid platinum, with the same functionality as Time Capture I.
Unrestricted Time Travel (Alteration) Level: 9
Range: 1" Casting Time: Special
Duration: Special Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 1 Creature +1/Level Saving Throw: Special
Description: This spell allows for time travel much like the Triagonal Travel spell. This spell has all the same functionality as that spell, with the added possibility of travelling in 4 different dimensions at once. This form of Quadragonal movement allows for travel in 4 dimensions, allowing the caster to travel across space, time, timelines, and planes of existence all simultaneously. This spell never has any chance of failure. Obviously, any combination involving up to 4 timelines is possible. The group of creatures brought through time like this can avoid obstructed moments in time and space, as this spell allows for direct movement between moments through the timestream. The time it takes to travel is 1 segment per 2 days of travel, timeline, plane of existence, or month of time. The material component of this spell is a perfectly clear crystalline bottle, containing perfectly clear water. The water is consumed by the spell, while the bottle is not. An ivory figurine of a dragon is required. Even more sand!
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