The Burning of Liar's Hand
The southeastern reaches of the Island, particularly concerning Cinnia and Errothar, have recently been restless at the arrival of a new threat to the isle. A guild location of Liar's Hand, the Thieves' Guild of this half of the isle, was burnt to ashes. This location, the Liar's Hand location of Darkport, was set ablaze on the 30th of November, year 744 of the Age of Myth. On this night, at approximately 11:30 PM, this fire was started by a mysterious man wearing a large, black coat. He fled the scene quickly, with the special merchandise that on hand, the merchandise of a secretive invite-only auction. Needless to say, this man was not invited to the auction to begin with. He was confronted by several members of the guild as he fled the scene, many of which, he killed. When a battle ensued, the man drew two longswords from his belt, and began to wage combat against the guild members. His fighting style seemed to consist of circling as many opponents as possible, using ...