
Showing posts from December, 2022

The Burning of Liar's Hand

  The southeastern reaches of the Island, particularly concerning Cinnia and Errothar, have recently been restless at the arrival of a new threat to the isle. A guild location of Liar's Hand, the Thieves' Guild of this half of the isle, was burnt to ashes. This location, the Liar's Hand location of Darkport, was set ablaze on the 30th of November, year 744 of the Age of Myth. On this night, at approximately 11:30 PM, this fire was started by a mysterious man wearing a large, black coat. He fled the scene quickly, with the special merchandise that on hand, the merchandise of a secretive invite-only auction. Needless to say, this man was not invited to the auction to begin with. He was confronted by several members of the guild as he fled the scene, many of which, he killed.  When a battle ensued, the man drew two longswords from his belt, and began to wage combat against the guild members. His fighting style seemed to consist of circling as many opponents as possible, using ...

Infamous 1e Class Guide: Thieves

  Introduction The 1st edition Thief is a typical scoundrel, scallywag, and swindler. Thieves are often seen in the act of theft itself, as the class name would suggest. They are quite adept at the following tasks: picking pockets, opening locks, finding and also removing traps, moving in silence, hiding in shadows, hearing the faintest of noises, climbing walls, (though never trees*,) and deciphering languages. They often survive theft even if it would normally be extremely dangerous, as they are usually protected by the local Thieves Guild. One of these guilds is often found in a town, and it will come with a list of benefits and restrictions dependent on the individual guild in specific. They have their own language in which they discuss business in, a language that cannot be chosen by a character with intelligence, as this language is granted only to thieves regardless of intelligence. This language, called Thieves' Cant, is a combination of ciphers and small verbal effects suc...

Recovered logs of captain Arthur Higgsbury: The Omen

 December 1st, Year 744 of the Age of Myth It was the first of December, and sailing the open south sea I was awakened on the cold winter's morn. I had been up all night at the helm, and had only fallen asleep not a half hour ago before being brought back to consciousness rudely by my first mate. I recall very clearly the words spoken to me on that morn. "Captain, wrecked upon the shore of a snow-covered island, there's a ship with no sailors in sight." I gave orders to lower the boats as we laid anchor, and strangely enough, a new face aboard The Mordntyver took quick notice of what we were doing and called out to me. She'd a beautiful face, no doubt, and she wanted to help. She's either brave, stupid, or trying to find an opportunity to betray me. Now, on my vessel at this time was a highly skilled Half-Elven Thief by the name of Jade Flamesworth. She'd just become a crucial asset of the crew, as she played a very key part in our previous mission, as she...