How to create an Infamous character
The Infamous character isn't created the exact same way as a standard Dungeons & Dragons 1st Edition character, as Infamous is a much harsher world setting. Characters in Infamous are designed to be fairly weak, forcing the party to work together to accomplish even low level adventures. Characters die on the regular, so having a quick guide on character creation is useful.
Firstly, the characters stats are rolled using 3d6. They will be rolled in this order, and will be swapped around or adjusted later.
Once stats are rolled, we will then decide what stats will be swapped or adjusted, meaning one or the other, not both. (Note that the original stats are never erased, only crossed out!)
Swapping stats around is as simple as it sounds, allowing you to exchange the stats in which the numbers were rolled. For example, let's say we rolled the stats 9, 12, 10, 7, 11, 14. We could decide that the party currently needs a character with charisma, so we would swap around. The character sheet would look something like this.
Str: 9 10
Int: 12 12
Wis: 10 7
Dex: 7 9
Con: 11 11
Chr: 14 14
Here we swapped our Strength with our Dexterity, and then our Strength with our Wisdom. It is worth noting that there is no limit to how many stats may be swapped around, and there is no limitation to which stats can be swapped.
Alternatively, let's say with these stats we wanted to play a really social character. For charisma, seeing as it is already our best stat, swapping would do us no good. But if we didn't care about our other stats so much (for instance if other members of the party could already take care of those stats,) we could adjust them. Adjustment is a bit more complicated, but it is usually worth it. You may adjust a stat by taking 2 points out of a stat in a category, allowing you to add 1 point to a stat of the same category. Adjustment is also possible with stats that are not in the same category, however it goes at a rate of 3/1 instead of 2/1.
The stat categories are:
Body: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution
Mind: Intelligence, Wisdom
Tongue: Charisma
So if we wanted to increase our charisma, which is in a category on its own, up to 18, we would bring our intelligence down by 3, adding 1 point to charisma, then we would also reduce our wisdom by 3 in order to further increase our main stat. Taking a -3 from strength also helps us, as does reducing constitution by 3. This brings us up to 18 charisma.
An example of this would look like:
Str: 9 6
Int: 12 9
Wis: 10 7
Dex: 7 7
Con: 11 8
Chr: 14 18
It is worth noting that when adjusting, no more than 1 stat may be adjusted below 6, although it is possible to have more than 1 stat below 6 if rolled naturally.
After stats are determined, proficiencies are decided by letting the player choose 1 proficiency from the skills list located here! All characters will begin the game with 1 proficiency, however additional proficiencies are decided by class.
Lets give our fighter a proficiency in carousing.
Str: 9 6
Int: 12 9
Wis: 10 7
Dex: 7 7
Con: 11 8
Chr: 14 18
Now, we select his class. Since he's really charismatic, and we want to make use of several proficiencies, we'll make him a Fighter. Being a Fighter grants you 4 weapon proficiencies, which we may swap out for skill proficiencies, so we'll add those too. Let's say he's human as well, and in addition, say he's Lawful Good in alignment. He's going to be level 1 with 0 experience, as he has not yet participated in any adventures.
Str: 9 6 Name: Chuck The Fighter
Int: 12 9 Race: Human
Wis: 10 7 Alignment: Lawful Good
Dex: 7 7 Class: Fighter
Con: 11 8 Level: 1
Chr: 14 18 Experience: 0
* - Skills annotated with a + symbol are subskills requiring a prerequisite, in this case, Carousing.
** - Skills annotated with a - symbol are weapon proficiencies, different from skills.
Now that all that has been settled, we roll his hit points and starting equipment. Fighters start with 1d10 Hit Points, so we'll give him that. As for starting equipment, it isn't determined in Infamous like it is in the Player's Handbook. To determine starting possessions, roll on this table here.
01-05 Absolutely nothing.
06-10 A bit of cloth to cover your private parts.
11-20 Clothing and, if applicable, a Spellbook, or a crude Holy Symbol
21-30 Trashed weapon up to, but not including, a Longbow or Bastard Sword, or 1d6 copper pieces
31-40 Very used weapon of any type or 2d6 copper pieces or nice clothing
41-50 Used weapon and 2d6 copper pc. or 1d6 silver pc. and clothing, or nice clothing and 1 misc. item
51-75 Slightly used weapon and 1d6 silver pc or 2d6 silver pc, misc stuff, and clothes
666 Cursed item such as a Helm of Opposite Alignment
75-90 New weapon and 2d6 silver pc. or 3d6 silver pc. and misc stuff
777 Minor magic item such as a +1 weapon or a wand with 1 charge
91-95 Weapon, leather armor, and 2d6 silver pc. or 1d6 gold pc. and misc stuff
96-99 Weapon, chain armor, and 2d6 silver pc. or 2d6 gold pc. and misc stuff
100 Roll gold in the Player's Handbook and buy items there.
If a 66 or 77 is rolled, roll a d10, and if that number is the same as the previous 2 digits there, treat it as rolling a 666 or 777.
Now, our fighter has something to work with.
Str: 9 6 Name: Chuck The Fighter Hit Points: 7/7
Int: 12 9 Race: Human Armor Class: 10
Wis: 10 7 Alignment: Lawful Good
Dex: 7 7 Class: Fighter
Con: 11 8 Level: 1
Chr: 14 18 Experience: 0
Proficiencies Inventory
Carousing Common Clothing
+Deception Backpack
Interrogation Waterskin
Recruiting Blanket
-Longsword Longsword
Screenshots taken from the "Legends & Lore" 1st edition book