
Showing posts from June, 2023

Infamous Supplementary: Hit Points

  Likely the most fundamental mechanic in the character's hit points. When you suffer damage, your hit points are reduced. If your hit points drop below 1, you'll lose consciousness, and if they drop below 0, you begin to bleed out and die. It's as simple as that. Once you start bleeding out after 0, you'll lose one additional hit point every round until someone attempts to patch up your wounds. There is technically no limit on how much you can bleed out, however since only one attempt can be made to patch your wounds, if that fails, you die. Healing magic is often a good alternative if no character is present with the First Aid skill, however it is highly recommended that First Aid be used wherever possible. By default, characters can attempt to patch up a dying creature for 1-3 points. As such, at -4 it is assumed that the character has died unless there is an available character who can use a First Aid skill to heal you for more than that. Healing magic is not consid...

Races of Farvion: Elves

  Elves are a medium-sized, nimble folk dedicated to the collection and passing on of knowledge. On the isle of Farvion, they can mostly be found in the northeastern forests of the isle, dwelling almost solely within the boundaries of Alvar, the Elven republic. Elves are generally known as the protectors of history and magic, and typically find themselves obsessed with the protection of things that are old. This is partly due to their nearly unageing bodies, which cease to age at all once adulthood hits. Their divine blood drastically slows aging beyond this point, with them being capable of living for hundreds, if not thousands of years. This resistance to age provides some resistance to time magic . Elves typically dislike association with other races, due to their love and pride relating to freedom. This extends to the point of disliking other cultures that are not as free as they are. Elves are generally shorter than Humans, though on average amount to being only an inch o...

Infamous Supplementary: Dexterity

  Dexterity is the ability used for determining the character's hand-eye coordination, as well as agility, depth perception, acrobatic ability, and reflex accuracy and speed. These abilities all come together to form the character's dodging and parrying ability, ranged accuracy, and even adjustments to Thief tables.  Dexterity rolls are often made to determine who can move faster when two creatures are in pursuit of one another. When creatures of similar movement speed are in chase, a dexterity roll may be made in order to determine which of the creatures is moving the quickest. This does not directly translate to movement speed, as this roll accounts for the character's ability to move over little imperfections in terrain, moving efficiently around corners, over roots, etc. Creatures who roll further under on dexterity are assumed to be moving faster, and will thus either escape, or pursue their opponent. dexterity rolls are also often made when a character attempts to wri...