
Showing posts from May, 2023

The Infamous Game: Poisons and Antidotes

  An Assassin's Guide to Poisons. One of the most essential parts of playing an Assassin  is the character's usage of deadly poisons to assist in his or her ability to kill. There are two categories of poison: ingested poisons, which are applied through someone's food or drink, and insinuated poison which is applied to a weapon and used that way. In standard AD&D 1e, poison is classified by poison strength. There are class A, B, C, and D poisons for each category respectively, with costs and damage according to each type. This is not the case in Farvion, as the type of poison is determined by the ingredient used, though poisons will still be categorized in tiers (Tiers I and II, with the higher number representing stronger poison). Assassin characters of 9th level or greater will know everything there is to know about these poisons, and is capable of researching new ones should the opportunity arise. With regard to mixing and making your own poisons, there are a few pro...

Infamous Class: Anti-Paladin

  The Anti-Paladin As the name would suggest, the Anti-Paladin is the evil opposite of the lawfully good Paladin class found in the Player's Handbook. The Anti-Paladins are an elite class of unholy knights, who strive for all that is evil and wicked. One of these such knights is created when a character seeks out some dark, foul magic or god to obtain powers that make him or her stronger and more powerful. Anti-Paladins are a very self-obsessed class of warrior, and they always function around a megalomania complex which pushes them forward. Anti-Paladins will work towards the assembly of power, striving to become more and more powerful with each passing day. Their greed and malice drive them to the brinks of humanity, pushing them well past the boundaries of moral obligation and sanity. As a result, Anti-Paladins often have a compulsive nature which forces them to act in certain ways. Their dark oath forces them into certain tendencies, and will often be the source of the adventur...

Races of Farvion: Dwarves

  Dwarves are a short, sturdy folk fond of drink and industry. On the isle of Farvion, they can be found primarily within the kingdom of Anvlore, located in the east side of the Camber Mountains. Although they are almost never taller than 4 feet, healthy adult Dwarves never weigh less than 150 pounds (or 1500 gold pieces in weight). Dwarvish culture highly values craftsmanship (referred to as craftsdwarfship in their culture) as well as metals of all kinds. They are renowned for their love of alcohol and their ability to produce fine beverages from the strangest of plants, more specifically their legendary wine which is made from mushrooms. Dwarves strongly lean towards a lawfully good alignment, though exceptions are made here and there. Dwarvish nations are almost never at war with each other, as while their clans often will be strongly competitive this almost exclusively applies to crafting. Notes on Dwarves as player characters are listed hereafter. Dwarven Characters Dwarven c...