
Showing posts from April, 2023

Testimony of Urist McHellskeep

  In March of the year 745, Age of Myth, A strange Dwarf emerged from a mine in Dodok, a city of Anvlore. This Dwarf spun tales of insanity to his fellow Dwarves of Dodok, which everyone brushed off as the poor man being insane. Perhaps spending too long in the mines had messed with his head... At least, that's what representatives of Dodok are saying. My name is Johnny Slingshot, and I gather information from the corners of the world. I heard a rumor about this Dwarf during my time in Yggdrasil, and took the opportunity to visit Anvlore for the first time. I decided to interview Urist McHellskeep, who I surprisingly met on the road to Dodok. He told me he had fled the city before he was locked up; apparently people his situation is meant to be kept secret. I had a long talk with Urist while enjoying a meal by the campfire, a talk that stretched on until he eventually lost consciousness. I recorded what he allowed me to record, as there are parts of his testimony which he specified...

Minerva's Mansion: A competition of sorts.

On this day, February 21st, year 745 of the Age of Myth, a very special competition was held. I had acquired an old mansion about half a day's travel west of Ollscoil renovated not long ago, and I decided to make good use of it. As many are well  aware, My name is Merrick Minerva, Cartographer, and Wizard of Farvion, and I've been looking to aspiring young adventurers for assistance for some time, and recently I have been searching for a Thief to help me with a mission for which I searched for assistance. For a magical experiment, I require a very special item known as a Blazing Ruby. This item has several properties which I intend to exploit, none of which can be used without actually owning  this rare gemstone. It is located in a dungeon on the far western side of the Camber mountains, and as it does involve exploring a dungeon, I have searched for an adequate Thief for many months to go find it for me. After I got tired of waiting, I decided it best to hold a very spec...

Infamous Class: Soldier of Armok (Blademaster)

  The Soldier of Armok / Blademaster The Soldiers of Armok are an elite group of warriors who serve directly under one of the most powerful evil deities in the world. This deity is widely known as Armok, the god of creation, death, and most importantly, blood. Armok himself appears as a Dwarf with a beard of adamantine. His power is the widely accepted reason for the existence of adamantine, a legendary metal found mostly in legend as an impossibly light, impossibly durable, and incredibly sharp metal. Armok is thus also associated with metal, but to a lesser degree. Records kept of Armok are few, but those that do exist show a strong activity where he chooses to reveal himself. He is rumored to dwell deep underground, far past where any searchers, Dwarven or otherwise, could ever find him. Among his disciples are many great warriors and weaponsmiths, both Dwarven and not. Among the most skilled warriors who followed him was Dusk, a Half-Orc with great ambition. He spent many of hi...

The Battle of the Northern Camber

Year 731, Age of Myth Memoir of Cao Sun, Ranger Lord The Rangers are a very special coalition, a legion of warriors trained in combat, stealth, and magic. Us Rangers thrive in the wild, tracking down the deadliest monsters with our wilderness expertise. Those of us who have served well are rewarded with secrets of the natural and arcane world, as we learn knowledge of druidic and mage spellcasting. The Rangers serve the land with their expertise, guarding the isle from the megabeasts of the western side of Farvion. Rangers make excellent scouts, excellent tacticians, and most importantly, legendary hunters. As a Ranger Lord myself, I may be slightly biased. Regardless of this, I can confirm that as Rangers we have achieved more than any group of Fighters across the isle. I came to Farvion expecting to do battle with the most powerful ancient monsters who still roam the world, as something about this isle seems to attract strange and powerful creatures not documented in any books. This ...

Infamous 1e Class Guide: Bards

  Introduction The Bard is by far the most difficult class to roll, and certainly one of the most challenging to play. Bards are more of a class-combination rather than a more streamlined class, being a Fighter, Thief, and Druid simultaneously. This creates an incredible jack-of-all-trades class which can easily be  a team all on it's own. To play a Bard, one must have a minimum of 15 in Strength, 12 in Intelligence, 15 in Wisdom, 15 in Dexterity, 10 in Constitution, and 15 in Charisma. Bards are a very rare case in even standard 1st edition, but in Infamous they are nigh impossible to roll. They are however a very rewarding class, providing the user with an abundance of hit dice, combat potential, utility skills, and spells. Bards must always be of some form of neutral in alignment, though may be good or evil, lawful or chaotic. Bards must be Human or Half-Elven, with the maximum Bard level always being 23. How Does This Even Work The adventure leading up to the assumpti...