
Showing posts from February, 2023

Infamous 1e Class Guide: Illusionists

  Introduction The Illusionist is the specialized subclass of the traditional Magic-User, with the major difference of that the class revolves entirely around illusions and deception. Perhaps one of the most mysterious, and challenging classes available to play. This is not due to the class itself being weak, as the drawback of the Illusionists is that your imagination is the only limitation on how effective and illusionist may be. Of course, the major benefit to this class is that the only limitation on your effectiveness is your imagination. The requirements for playing an Illusionist are a minimum intelligence of 15, and at least 16 dexterity. This is due to the complexity of illusion spells, the complexity of such magic requiring immense focus and skill to cast properly. Contrary to the deceptive nature of the class, Illusionists may be any alignment of the character's choosing. First Level: Phantasmal Force One glance at the Illusionist class should tell you one major thing, t...

Infamous Supplementary: Wisdom

  Wisdom rolls find their most common use in making instinct/gut rolls. At any time, a character may attempt to make a Wisdom roll to get a sense of his or her gut feelings, which could provide useful information. Exercise caution, as if you attempt a Wisdom roll, your character will always go with the result, regardless of how you roll. Here's an example of how a gut feeling roll would be made. The Cleric and his party are lost in the forest, and want to find a way out. The Cleric makes a gut roll, rolling excellently, and his natural instincts and faith lead him and his party out of the forest. This is of course, only if the rest of the party initially decided to follow the Cleric before  the Wisdom roll was made. Now let's say the instead of succeeding, the Cleric failed his wisdom roll. His gut might instead lead him into an unfavorable outcome, such as an encounter with a powerful monster, imminent death, or just getting the party even more lost than before. One of t...

Infamous Supplementary: Intelligence

  Intelligence is most likely the only one of the six ability scores in AD&D that is fully essential to a party's success. The most important feature of this stat, and likely what makes it the most essential one, is the fact that it is used in perception rolls. In other editions of the game, wisdom is used for this more often, as it doesn't seem to represent the same thing that it does in 1st edition. In this edition, intelligence represents the characters analytical ability, focus, and linguistic ability. It also determines the character's ability to observe things using senses, such as sight, hearing, feel, etc. For instance, if a character makes a perception roll, he or she will use analytics to observe his or her surroundings. This could pick up faint sounds, signifying an encounter, or perhaps noticing a sign of a secret door. Note that anything which would be picked up without observation through senses would be observed using a wisdom roll instead. Perception is ...

Infamous 1e Class Guide: Rangers

  Introduction Rangers are the other subclass of Fighter, being often compared to Paladin in the ways of it's function. This is an interesting comparison, as the Ranger is a near-perfect antithesis to what a Paladin is meant for. Paladins are natural born leaders, and are often seen leading the party, and commanding armies. Rangers are the opposite of this, in fact requiring no sort of charisma in the slightest. Rangers are sort of a cross between Fighters and Druids, where Paladins are meant as a cross between Fighters and Clerics. The purpose of a Ranger is to perform excellently in reconnaissance, and especially well in outdoor situations, similar to Druids. Their primary purpose is tracking, and using tactics to control the natural battlefield, as well as provide an immediate source of information on what the party may soon be facing. They also perform as giant slayers, which will be further detailed hereafter. To play a Ranger, one must have no less than 13 in both strength an...

Infamous 1e Class Guide: Paladins

  Introduction Paladins are regarded highly by many players, often filling the role of the leader of a player team. A Paladin is capable of a minor supportive roll, being capable of providing limited healing to his party when the Cleric is otherwise disposed, or dead! The main feature of any good Paladin is his or her use of charisma, a highly useful tool that should be used to the fullest. In combination with a Paladin's other abilities, this becomes an incredible support for the rest of the party. They are also well known for their very high stat requirements, rivalled only by Monks and Bards. To play a Paladin, one must first be lawful good, as well as have no less than 12 strength, 9 intelligence, 13 wisdom, 9 constitution, and of course, a minimum of 17 charisma. If a Paladin somehow manages 15 strength and wisdom, 10% additional experience is awarded to the character. These requirements are why several people don't opt to play Paladins, even if these stats are rolled. The...

The Isle of Farvion, According to Merrick Minerva

My name is Merrick Minerva, and I have spent the last 15 years exploring, charting, and mapping the untamed wilds of this magnificent isle. This map of Farvion has been my own personal project for a long time. I spent many nights under the starry skies of the savage regions of this island. Many nights I lay restless, wanting to explore further, to wander amongst the land. To document the magnificent beasts that roam the lands that are feared, that others would dread to explore, in which many have died in their journeys. Much has changed in this land since I began the writing of this map, and to keep all the information up to date, I often would employ the use of the Erase spell, in order to create room on my map for the more pressing events. Of course, that which was erased is not forgotten. There are many documents in my library, many of which will be released to the public in due time. As for now, here it is. The wonderful isle of Farvion, mapped as I've explored it. May this map...

Infamous 1e Class Guide: Druids

  Introduction Druids in 1st edition AD&D are considered a subclass of the Cleric, as they share similar abilities while maintaining enough difference for Druids to be played as their own class. To play a Druid, one must have a minimum of 12 or more Wisdom, and not less than 15 Charisma. If a Druid exceeds 15 in each of these stats, a Druid may gain 10% additional experience points. Notably, every Druid must be true neutral in alignment, as they believe the forces of good and evil, as well as law and chaos to be necessary balances of nature. Druids are similar to Clerics in the sense of their somewhat defensive role to the party, though their focuses are much more upon the natural world and the outdoors, rather than the Cleric's divine spells. Cleric vs. Druid These two classes have many distinct differences, advantages, and disadvantages to each. Clerics are generally a more well rounded class to have in a party, and while a Druid may replace a Cleric to some extent, Drui...