
Showing posts from November, 2022

Infamous 1e Class Guide: Magic-Users

  Introduction Magic-Users, or Mages are typically the most iconic class of 1st edition D&D. 1st edition Magic-User is the reason why modern D&D games have the meme of the wizard dying to 1d4 anything damage, which is completely stupid in modern games, but I guess 1st edition Mages are just that legendary. You see, unlike in modern generations of D&D, the spells of the Magic-User increase in potency with the level of the Magic-User in question, whereas modern editions expect you to cast a spell simply using a higher spell slot level. In 1st edition, Fireball does 1-6 damage for each level of the Magic-User, so when its obtained at 5th level it deals 5-30 damage. Though their combat spells are quite powerful, such as Magic Missile, Strength, Haste, Fireball, and Lightning Bolt, the true power of the Magic-User lies within the utility spells found within the Players Handbook. Infamous Magic-User: The Most Painful Level in the Game In Infamous, Magic-Users are actively ner...