
Showing posts from August, 2022

Infamous 1e Class Guide: Fighters

Introduction In AD&D, Fighters are seemingly a very bland class. They have accurate hit tables sure,  and no restrictions on what weapons or armor can be used, but they lack the special flair of Cleric and Magic-User, and they don't have any of the unique traits of Thief. The Fighter is widely seen as a class that is too simple to be of great use to a team. They can hit things, and they are used to open stuck doors in dungeons. Other than that, the high Strength score grants the ability of "Bend Bars/Lift Gates" which can be very helpful to a team, albeit in a very specific circumstance. Most players won't want to play Fighter in AD&D, however in Infamous, they can quickly go from the least interesting of classes to one of the most helpful in and out of combat.   Fighter's Unique Traits The Fighter has a couple of special traits that separate them from Clerics when it comes to fighting. They do not simply have a larger list of more powerful weapons to choo...

Infamous 1e Class Guide: Clerics

Introduction In 1st edition AD&D, Clerics carry a fundamental aspect of any team, as they are the primary support class for the game. They have access to a wide range of defensive and counter offensive spells that are cast and learned through the Wisdom ability score of the Cleric. Spells that heal, prevent, negate, disarm, detect, and disrupt fall within the Cleric's specialty. They are holy warriors carrying their weapons into battle, although never a sharp or pointed weapon as those are prohibited by their faith. But an Infamous Cleric is an even bigger asset to a successful party. The biggest advantage to having a Cleric on the team in Infamous, is they are one of the only unique assets to the adventurers of good alignment. In fact, they might even be of greater value to a team than a Paladin or Ranger. The Cleric isn't exactly restricted to good alignment, as in Infamous the basic four classes do not have any sort of restriction, though the spells in a Clerics employ a...