Infamous 1e Class Guide: Fighters
Introduction In AD&D, Fighters are seemingly a very bland class. They have accurate hit tables sure, and no restrictions on what weapons or armor can be used, but they lack the special flair of Cleric and Magic-User, and they don't have any of the unique traits of Thief. The Fighter is widely seen as a class that is too simple to be of great use to a team. They can hit things, and they are used to open stuck doors in dungeons. Other than that, the high Strength score grants the ability of "Bend Bars/Lift Gates" which can be very helpful to a team, albeit in a very specific circumstance. Most players won't want to play Fighter in AD&D, however in Infamous, they can quickly go from the least interesting of classes to one of the most helpful in and out of combat. Fighter's Unique Traits The Fighter has a couple of special traits that separate them from Clerics when it comes to fighting. They do not simply have a larger list of more powerful weapons to choo...