Skills & Non-Weapon proficiencies
--INFAMOUS RULES-- In Infamous play, a character usually ends up taking a secondary skill of some form. A task usually cannot be attempted unless the character in question has the appropriate skill, for instance a character not proficient in riding would not be capable of riding a horse into combat, as that usually takes a large degree of training and effort to pull off. Similarly, a character lacking the Literacy skill would be incapable of reading or writing any languages he or she speaks. These skills are typically acquired through the secondary skill the character is given at the start of the game, however any characters may replace some of their given weapon proficiencies for skills. For instance, a fighter with high charisma is more likely to take several charisma proficiencies instead of stacking several weapon proficiencies together. Skills listed by number are typically rolled for any NPC character in possession of the listed stats, however skills marked by * are rare sk...